YOUR two letters, of the 23d and 28th of Jaafury [6th and 11th July] have been received. You write, “that they are about to require “of you to send away your escort, and that their ungracious deportment towards you is beyond measure.”
It is known. You and Noor Mahommed Khân must repair to the house of Râo Râsta, and, placing yourselves opposite to him, say to him, “that you have nothing to do with the minister (Nana Furnaveese) “or any one else, and that all you have to desire is, that he will procure “you the necessary passports, in order that you may return to us.” In short, let them be pleased or displeased, you must, at any rate, get passports, and set out with all your retinue for our Presence. This order must be considered as if it were a hundred orders. Two letters for Kishen Râo Nârâin and Râo Râsta, on the subject of your dismission, are enclosed. You must bring Syed Zynûl Aabideen Khân along with you.
You write for a supply of money, and represent the dearness of every thing there. Now that you are about to return hither, where is the necessity of making you a remittance for your expences?
Let us know the name and rank of the Hâkim [ruler] of Cambay, as we purpose writing to him.
We, also, are prepared for war. Fear not, but speedily commence your journey hither, and bring the Mûnshy, Peer Mahommed, as well as———,* with you.
The former part of this letter is in substance, and indeed nearly in terms, the same as Letter XCI. In fact, the envoy’s dispatch of the 23d Jaafury is acknowledged in both; and, probably, that of the 28th of the same month (which would seem to have led to the present letter) did not differ materially from it.
The letter to the Nabob of Cambay (his intention of writing which is here announced) will be further noticed under Letter CXVIII.