Badghīs, i. 304; ii. 4-5, 17.

Badīa-ez-zemān Mirza, Muham­med, 293, 302-3, 309; ii. 100 n.; sent against Khosrou, i. 56, 59, 60; Balkh given to, 61, 69; and Sultan Hussain, 69-73, 205, 289, 290; flees to Khosrou Shah, 72; to Zulnūn Arghūn, 72, 99; neglects Bābur, 146; name, 219; at Khorasān, 271; succession, 324; war with Sheibāni, ii. 4, 39; Bābur joins, 6-8; character, 8; parties, 8, 13; flight, 41, 65.

Badij, i. 228; ii. 59, 142.

Bāgh-e-wafā, ii. 135, 156.

Baghlān, ii. 121.

Bāhāghāi, i. 243 n.

Bahār, ii. 135.

Bahia, ii. 389.

Bahlol, i. 269, 284.

Bahlūlpūr, ii. 163.

Bahmani dynasty, ii. 197.

Bahraich, ii. 245 n.

Baiesanghar Mirza, i. 36, 290; parentage, 46; governor, 49; king of Samarkand, 51, 57, 61, 88; escapes, 62; defeated by Sultan Ali, 64; attacked by Bābur, &c., 64; desertions from, 66, 67; with Khosrou, 75, 96, 100; murdered, 115, 210; account of, 115.

Bairām Khan, ii. 73, 74.

Bajour, i. 225, 231, 244; ii. 90, 118, 144-5, 213-18, 232-3; attacked, 79; taken, 82, 115, 192.

Bāki, brother of Khosrou Shah, i. 72.

Bakiālān, ii. 161.

Bāki Cheghāniāni, i. 47; with Sultan Masaūd, 56, 57; per­fidy of, 99, 266; with Bābur, 203, 206, 207, 213, 216, 259, 275, 277, ii. 97; and Jehān­gīr, i. 204; and Kamber Ali, 207; followers plundered, 214; at Kohat, 254-5; discon­tented, 278; death, 280.

Bāki Shaghāwel, ii. 174, 274, 332-3, 414-15.

Bāki Tashkendi, ii. 331, 409, 414.

Bāki Terkhān, i. 37, 38, 131, 143, 147.

Baksereh (Buxar), ii. 388.

Bālināt-jogi, ii. 161.

Balkh, i. lxv, 61, 69, 71, 205, 235, 286, 290, 293, 304; ii. 73, 155, 174, 273, 349, 350; Khosrou besieges, i. 97; Uzbeks be­siege, ii. 2, 8, 165.

Balkh-āb, ii. 3.

Balūches, ii. 98, 151, 365, 406.

Balweh, ii. 385.

Bām, ii. 4.

Bāmiān, i. 203, 223, 284; ii. 1, 23.

Banāi, Moulāna, i. 65, 317, 323; ii. 42, 74, 374-5.

Banās, ii. 204.

Bandeh Alī, i. 106, 148, 188.

Bandīr, ii. 228, 321.

Bands of Khorasān and Samar­kand, 26, 49.

Bangash, i. 24, 223, 224, 227, 242, 252, 255, 257, 282; ii. 125.

Bangermou, ii. 331.

Bānī, i. 171.

Bannu, i. 217, 239, 255, 257.

Banūr, ii. 177.

Barakoh, i. 3.

Bārān, i. 211, 228, 229, 230, 234, 247, 249 n., 270, 283; Bābur visits, ii. 34, 126, 142.

Bāreh, i. 254.

Bāri, ii. 205, 230, 317.

Bārīk-āb, ii. 130, 136, 155.

Barkalān, ii. 112.

Barkistān, i. 241 n.

Basāwer, ii. 276.

Bast, i. 290.

Bayazīd (Bajazet), ii. 68.

Bayezīd, Sheikh, Tambol’s brother, i. 181, 182; ii. 318; invites Bābur, 182; seized, 184; released, 186.

Bayezīd, Sheikh, Mustafa Fer­mūli’s brother, with Bābur, ii. 251, 255, 271; hostility, 318, 320, 328, 332, 378, 405, 411, 415.

Bāzār, i. 258.

Bazārak, i. 222.

Bāzāriān, ii. 139.

Bedrau, i. 228, 243; ii. 142.

Begchiks, i. 166.

Behāder Khan, ii. 261.

Behār, ii. 244, 245 n., 388, 390; loss of, ii. 366, 383; retaken, 389, 392.

Behār Khan Lodi, ii. 151, 247.

Behāt, ii. 96, 162, 203.

Behlūl Ayūb, i. 60, 205, 212.

Behreh, i. 252; ii. 90, 92, 94, 95, 108, 148, 193, 211, 244; his­tory of, 96; given to Hindū Beg, 102; abandoned, 117.

Behzād, i. 321; ii. 43.

Behzādi, ii. 138.

Bekrām, i. 254; ii. 111, 158-69.

Bektūt, i. 275.

Belūt-tāgh, i. lxvii.

Benāres, ii. 224, 379, 381.

Bendsālār, i. 121.

Bengal, ii. 204, 225, 235 n.; cus­toms, 197-9; Bābur’s rela­tions with, 356, 364, 367, 388, 392-4, 410; war with, 396-406.

Berekis, i. 224.

Besūd, ii. 87.

Betwa, ii. 204.

Bhīlsa, ii. 200, 327.

Bhīra, ii. 94 n., 148.

Bhujpūr, ii. 389.

Bī, i. 134 n.

Biāna, ii. 205, 207, 243, 272, 275, 311; revenue, 245 n.; holds out, 247, 253-5; stone of, 258; taken, 264-5; Bābur reaches, 308, 313.

Biankuli, i. 167.

Biān Sheikh, ii. 348-9, 351, 355.

Biās, ii. 203.

Biāwān, ii. 267.

Bīban, ii. 167, 176, 178, 252-3, 315, 328, 378, 405, 411, 415.

Bībi Māh-rūī, ii. 27.

Bījnager, ii. 199.

Bikamchand, Raja, ii. 245 n.

Bikamdeo, Raja, ii. 245 n.

Bikermajīt, Raja, i. 81; ii. 191, 245 n., 341, 345.

Bikhrātā, i. 121.

Bikhūb Sultan, ii. 332, 378, 412.

Bīlah, i. 263.

Bilker, ii. 141.

Bīmragīri, ii. 162.

Bīraīn, ii. 57.

Birds, of Ferghāna, i. 2, 6; of Karshi, 86; of Kābul, 233, 247, ii. 217; method of catch­ing, i. 242, 247; of Hindustān 244; ii. 116, 214.

Bishkent, i. 155, 161, 164.

Bishkhārān, i. 124, 181.

Bistām, i. 290.

Bokhāra, i. lxxiii, 33, 37, 38, 227, ii. 69; battles at, i. 36, 38, 116; given to Baiesanghar Mirza, 51, 116; attempt on, 66; description of, 84; the Terkhāns in, 128; Sheibāni takes, 131, 133, 199; Bābur takes, ii. 72.

Bost, i. 98.

Budāun, ii. 314.

Bujkeh, ii. 168, 188, 260, 272, 274.

Būlan, i. 228; ii. 142.

Burāk, i. 166.

Būrek, i. 261.

Burhān-ed-dīn Ali, i. 5, 27, 77.

Burhānpūr, ii. 322.

Busāwer, ii. 313.

But-khāk, ii. 130.

būzeh (beer), ii. 144, 163 n.

Caravan routes, i. lxvii-viii.

Central Provinces, revenue, ii. 245 n.

Chaghatāi Khan, i. lviii, 9, 15.

Chaghatāi, the, ii. 34, 55; ii. 60.

Chakhcherān, i. 303; ii. 18.

Chālāk, i. 214; ii. 60.

Chambal, ii. 204, 230, 320.

Chanderi, ii. 205, 320; taken, 200, 325; account of, 322-3, 326; given to Ahmed Shah, 327.

Chandūl, ii. 79, 83, 84.

Chāndwār, ii. 207, 256, 287, 313-14, 369.

Chārshembeh, i. 73.

Chāryak, ii. 3.

Chashmeh-e-tīreh, ii. 122, 125.

Chāstūbeh, ii. 34.

Chātū, i. 252.

Cheghāniān, i. 45, 96, 135, 199, 203.

Cheghānserāi, i. 230-1, 232, 251.

Chekmān, i. 45, 289.

Chenāb, ii. 94, 96, 102, 163, 203.

Chichiktū, ii. 4, 8.