Toork named the whole of his family Japhet-Ooghlan.*
It is said that Toork lived in the same period with Kyoomurs; and as he was the first king of Fars, so Toork was the first kaan* or king of the eastern country.
Toork selected a very pleasant situation for his residence, called Jaeelgan; near this place is a small lake, the water of which always remains warm. Jaeelgan is also surrounded by hills and pleasant fountains. He here spent his time in the duties of his office and religion.
It is related that his authority extended from the boundary of China, called Khanjoo, to the borders of Russia; in fact, over all that tract which is now called Turkistan. The donations or allotments of free land (Inamee*), which remain among the Turks, are of his gift. He had five sons, Obluchi, Toonk or Toong, Chiegul, Bursunkhar, and Itlauk. It is said that the use of salt was first discovered by his son Toong, and that clothing made of the skins and fur of beasts was first brought into use in his time. He lived 240 years.
Hirz, the son of Japhet, resided on the bank of the river Atul, and was accustomed during the summer or hot season to retire to the desert.
Suklub* the son of Japhet. This man was a wanderer, and from some dispute existing between him and his brethren, remained separate from them. The custom of Pargho originated with him; this was a law of inheritance, by which all a man’s property descended to his female issue, and his sword or arms only fell to the share of his sons.
Monsik, the son of Japhet, was a worthy man, and resided near the river of Balgoria. He had a son named Ghoor, who was the father of the whole of the tribes denominated Ghoor. It may be remarked, that the Ghoors are considered the worst classes among the Turks. It is said that Ghoor, the son of Monsik, contended with his uncle Toork for the possession of the stone producing rain, left them by his grandfather. In a battle fought for this stone, Pyghoor, the son of Monsik and the father of the Toorkmans, was killed, and that was the original cause of the unceasing enmity ever since subsisting between the Turks and Toorkmans. By some authors, Monsik is called Monsij. He is also the father of the tribes of Yajooj and Majooj.
Cheen, the son of Japhet. He abode in the country which is still called after his name, and was the inventor of many arts, as silk-weaving, &c. He had a son named Macheen.
Macheen, the son of Cheen, was a man of great knowledge and learning. He built the city called Macheen.* He had a son named Mukr Kowi Khan, who was the father of Nomees Khan, the grandfather of Alaee Osman, the son of Artogrul, the son of Suliman Khan. This family in Room (Asia Minor) is known by the name of Khoongar-Al-i-Osman.