9. The Aumil* of a district shall make a circuit through all the villages under his authority, and agreeably to the Mochulka entered into by him, distribute the assess­ment upon the Reyuts according to the pro­duce raised; and if by such means he can collect sufficient to fulfil his engagements, well and good; but if, on the contrary, he shall farm out the Mozas to Putteels and others, and occasion deficiency, he shall make good such deficiency himself. If the Putteels and others should, by want of attention, fail to realize the distributed assess­ment, he shall inflict corporal punishment* upon the Putteels and Shamboges, and oblige them to make it good.

10. In case deficiency arises in the sum engaged for, the Aumil shall procure new Reyuts, whom he shall provide with new ploughs, and by advancing Tucavee to them, enable them to complete the culti­vation, so that the amount specified in the engagement be realized. And if, on the contrary, he shall discharge the amount of his engagement by levying fines and undue exactions, such fines and exactions shall not be allowed to go towards the discharge of his engagement, and he shall be still compelled to make good the deficiency which will have arisen thereupon.

11. A Putteel has been attached to every village from times of old; wherever it happens that the person holding this office is unfit for it, another who is capable shall be chosen from amongst the Reyuts, and be appointed to it; and the former Putteel shall be reduced to the condition of a Reyut, and be made to work at the plough; and the business of the office of Putteel shall be made over to the new one.

12. The Shamboges of the Athoonee and Ahashaum* shall not be employed in the direction of affairs, nor shall farms of villages be given to them, but they shall only be employed in keeping accounts. If it should appear that any thing contrary to this rule is practised, you* will have to answer for it.

13. The Reyuts of each village shall decide amongst themselves all disputes which may arise amongst them respecting cast, and the inhabitants of other villages shall not interfere therein. A breach of this is to be punished by fine.

14. In the district above mentioned there are several Tallaubs*, the produce whereof is Hissa*. The Aumil shall go himself and see that the lands are not left unculti­vated, and that the produce be increased; and when the produce is ready he shall attend in person, and having seen the grain threshed, shall take the half of it for Government.