He made four laws, relating to the country, and to property:—
The first Law, on the Army.— “To whom pay is due, he receives it at once; there must be no delay.”
The second Law, on the Ryuts.— “The proper rent which is fixed is to be brought by the Ryut in three instalments, without his being sent for. The sign of his great justice is this, that the Ryuts are ordered to be excused paying duty on grain, and money, on condition that they build six forts— Alore, Sehwistan, Ooch, Mattehlath, Mode, Suvraee.” These were built of mud, and some of them are standing at the present time.
The third Law, on the Merchants.— “Whatever tax has been fixed on these, they are to pay it to the collector of taxes, without his asking for it.”
The fourth Law, on the Trades.— “Whatever duty for the Sirkar is imposed upon each of these, they have done it.”
Rais Sahsee had a Wuzeer, by name Rais Ram, to whom he gave the reins, placing everything, large and small, in his hands. In all his arrangements he displayed such tact, that the most minute thing did not escape him. On this account, Rais Sahsee was at his ease, spending his days and nights in the bedchamber of happiness, and passing his life there. If at any time there were matters of consequence, or if any letters came from the rulers of the boundaries, then Rais Ram, going to the door of the Harem, represented it.
One day Rais Ram had an assembly, at which many Bramins and men of genius were collected. In the mean time a very handsome, clear-spoken, eloquent young man came in. Those who composed the assembly were astonished at the eloquence of his tongue. Asking him from whence he came, and what his name was, he said his name was Chuk, that his father’s name was Seelaj (Seelaj was a Bramin of note in that city). Rais Ram approved of his conversation, taking him into companionship, giving him great presents; and he took him to assist him in the affairs of the State. He was well versed in accounts, clever in speaking and writing the Hindee language. Day by day he attained great knowledge in the business of the country, and property, and his arrangements in these were very good. His good fortune was so great, that he conducted all the duties of the Wuzeer; the name of Rais Ram alone remained. Suddenly, Rais Ram was prostrated with sickness. At that time Rais Sahsee gave a festival in his Harem: he was sitting there very happy. In the mean time many letters came from Daiwul, which, being very important, the Chobdars went and at once gave them to the king. He was unwilling to rise, so he gave orders for a curtain to be placed before the throne, and to summon Chuk. The queen then remarked that he (Chuk) was a Bramin— why have a curtain with him; it is better to have him as it is. Chuk approached the king’s throne, offering benedictions, and scattering praises. He then read the letters which had come, and making known their contents, the king gave his replies. He (Chuk) then wrote such a letter, that on hearing it the king presented him with a valuable Khilat, giving directions, that when any business of importance occurred, he should bring it into the Harem. But from seeing him the queen had become distracted. Wishing to have a meeting with him, she sent a procuress to Chuk, acquainting him with her heart’s desire. He stood on the ground of denial, saying he was a Bramin, and could not commit such perfidy, particularly in the king’s house, from which there was fear for his life, and the destruction of his family. But the god of love was strong in the breast of the queen. On this account happiness left her heart, and from unhappiness she rolled about like a half-killed bird. In a short time this matter was known to every one. Some tale-bearers mentioned it to Rais Sahsee: he replied that Chuk was a faithful Bramin, and would not commit such an act. In short, matters remained in this way some time. Rais Sahsee then became sick: many doctors did all in their power, but without effect. The queen then saw that the king would die, so she sent to call Chuk. When he came, she told him of the condition of Rais Sahsee, and to get him (Chuk) named as vicegerent, formed this stratagem: calling all the Chobdars, she told them that it was Rais Sahsee’s order that they should make it known to all, that there would be a grand Durbar the following day, when all, great and small, must be present. On the morning of the next day, the queen gave orders that Rais Sahsee’s throne should be placed in the Hall of Audience, and it was done as she directed. The Chobdars, being instructed by her, then went and told the people that the king said, that in consequence of weakness he was unable to come forth; for this reason he had put Chuk in his place, having given to him the royal seal. Helpless, all the people obeyed this order, and a few days afterwards Rais Sahsee died. Then the Ranee, calling Chuk, said: “The time has now come when we can be one; we must arrange to get rid of those who may not approve of this.” Chuk replied that he was willing to do as she wished. The queen said: “Rais Sahsee has no son, but there are many of his relations who will lay claim to the heritage of his country and property: it is better to make arrangements before they do so.” She then instantly collected fifty chains, which she had placed in one of the rooms of the Harem. She then sent word separately to each of the relations of consequence, that Rais Sahsee was calling them to bequeath his country. Such of these as came, and went inside, were seized, and made secure with the chains. Having done this, she gained confidence, and calling the more humble relations, she said to them: “Those who were perverse towards you I have in confinement; such of you as destroy any of them shall become the masters of their property.” They each killed such as had been unfriendly towards them; the whole were destroyed. After this, the following day the queen had the coffin of Rais Sahsee taken out, and, according to custom, burnt his remains; and Chuk succeeded him as king.