The birth of Tippoo Sultan, the Martyr, (may God’s mercy rest upon him); with other details. A. Hejri 1163. Nov. 29, 1749.
PRAISES and gratitude to God! who, after so much desire and anxiety, caused the rose tree to produce the bud of hope, who caused Hydur Alí’s house and fortunes to be illumined by the lamp of prosperity, also the night of his desire to be succeeded by the morning of its fulfilment; that is to say, the rising of the bright star of the constellation of power and dignity, in the village of Dewun Hulli, on the morning of Saturday, the 20th of Zi, Huj. year 1163, H.* shedding its light on the field of his father’s wishes for progeny, dispelling the dark gloom obscuring his hopes and rejoicing the heart of both friend and stranger. The brave Khan on the bestowal of this great gift, rubbed his forehead on the earth of acknowledgement, and offered up the thanksgiving and praise due to the Creator of all life; and for forty days likewise he kept open his house for feasting and enjoyment, and opening wide the doors of his treasury, made all his servants and friends rich with his gifts.*
The rose buds of his friends’ hearts expanded and blossomed in this breeze of pleasure; day by day, the Nagaras of rank and fortune were beaten at his gates, and the blessings accompanying the propitious steps of that fortunate child increased in number; for even from the day of his birth, riches and power, it may be said, came in person to meet and do him honor; and, as his advent was owing to the secret aspirations and intercession of the Saint Tippoo Mustan, he was named Tippo Sultan, and no care was omitted in his nurture and preservation.
About the end of this year, Nawaub Nizám ul Moolk Násir Jung, marched to the Karnatic Payan Ghaut, to revenge the death of Unwar uddin Khan Gopa Mooe, Soubadár of Arkat, who, in the year 1162, H.* was assassinated, without cause, on the plain of Amboor Gurh, by the treacherous hand of Hidáyut Mihí-ud-dín Khan, the sister’s son of the Nawaub abovementioned, at the instigation of Hussain Dost Khan, otherwise called Chunda Sáhib Nayut. The said Nayut, likewise, with the aid of the French of Pondicherry, having seized upon the whole Souba of Arkat, and taking on himself the correction of its rebellious subjects, and the regulation of its affairs.
All the Poligars of the Karnatic Balaghaut, therefore, and also Dilawár Khan, the Soubadár of the Souba Sura, repaired with their followers, arms, and ammunition to the presence. Among the number was also Girajwuri Nundi Raj,* on the part of the Mysore chief, accompanied by a large force, and by Hydur Alí Khan; and they joined the Nizám, and fought on his side, till, in the year 1164, the Nawaub was slain on the field of Ginjee, owing to the disaffection and treachery of the Afghans of Kirpa Kirnole. Astonished and dismayed at this terrible event, the subsidiary Poligars, without any communication with each other, retired to their respective homes.
Hydur Alí Khan, however, with his troops and artillery, remained on the field with the scattered troops of the murdered Nizám, until the midday after his assassination; but, on being fully acquainted with the circumstances, he took the road to the Balaghaut, and, on his route, fell in with three or four camels, laden with treasure of the government, which the rebels had seized, and were taking away. After punishing the robbers, Hydur Alí took possession of this treasure, which he added to his own and then returned to Seringaputtun.