Nuskha A = Irvine MS. No. 340.
Ir. MS. = Irvine MS. No. 252, (Nuskha B.)
MS. N. = India Office MS. No. 3388 (Nuskha N.)
MS. R = Rampur (Abdus Salam Khan's) first MS. of the Ahkam, (Nuskha R.)
A.N. = Alamgirnamah.
Pad. = Padishahnamah by Abdul Hamid Lahori.
M.U. = Masir-ul-umara | The last five works are of the Bibliotheca Indica edition. |
M.A. = Masir-i-Alamgiri | |
Khafi Khan = Munta-khab-ul-labab |
My Persian text mainly follows Irvine MS. 252.