THE present Volume contains the history of the reigns of Sháh-Jahán, Aurangzeb, Bahádur Sháh, Jahándár Sháh, and Farrukh-Siyar, of the little brief authority of Rafí'u-d Daula and Rafí'u-d Daraját, and of the early years of the reign of Muhammad Sháh.
Several works hitherto unknown to the European reader are here brought to notice. The history of the reign of Sháh Jahán is derived from the Bádsháh-náma of 'Abdu-l Hamíd and from other Bádsháh-námas and Sháh-Jahán-námas. The special works relating to the reign of Aurangzeb have been examined and the most interesting passages translated; but the history of his long rule, and of the subsequent times which appear in this Volume, has been derived from the great work of Kháfí Khán, a contemporary history of high and well-deserved repute. This important history is well known at second-hand. All European historians of the period which it covers have been greatly indebted, directly or indirectly, to its pages. Elphinstone and Grant Duff used it, and they refer to a MS. translation by “Major Gordon, of the Madras Army.” It is not known what has become of this MS. translation, for the inquiries made after it have met with no success. Not a line of translation had been provided by Sir H. M. Elliot; so this heavy labour has fallen upon the Editor, who has provided the 330 pages of print which the work occupies, as well as the long translation from the Bádsháh-náma.
Ample and very diversified matter remains for the concluding volume.
The following is a list of the articles in this volume, with the names of their respective writers:—
LXI. | Pádsháh-náma of Muhammad Kazwíní—Editor. |
LXII. | Bádsháh-náma of 'Abdu-l Hamíd—Editor. |
LXIII. | Sháh Jahán-náma of 'Ináyat Khán—Major Fuller. |
LXIV. | Bádsháh-náma of Muhammad Wáris—Editor. |
LXV. | 'Amal-i Sálih—Editor. |
LXVI. | Sháh Jahán-náma of Muhammad Sádik—Editor. |
LXVII. | Majálisu-s Salátín—Sir H. M. Elliot and munshís. |
LXVIII. | Táríkh-i Mufazzalí—Sir H. M. Elliot and munshís. |
LXIX. | Mir-át-i 'Álam—Sir H. M. Elliot and munshís. |
LXX. | Zínatu-t Tawáríkh—Sir H. M. Elliot. |
LXXI. | Lubbu-t Tawáríkh-i Hind—Sir H. M. Elliot. |
LXXII. | 'Álamgír-náma—Sir H. M. Elliot and Editor. |
LXXIII. | Ma-ásir-i 'Álamgírí—Sir H. M. Elliot and “Lt. Perkins.” |
LXXIV. | Futuhát-i 'Álamgírí—Sir H. M. Elliot and Editor. |
LXXV. | Táríkh-i Mulk-i Áshám—Sir H. M. Elliot and Editor. |
LXXVI. | Wakái' of Ni'amat Khán—Sir H. M. Elliot and Editor. |
LXXVII. | Jang-náma of Ni'amat Khán—Sir H. M. Elliot and Editor. |
LXXVIII. | Ruka'át-i 'Álamgírí—Sir H. M. Elliot. |
LXXIX. | Muntakhabu-l Lubáb of Kháfí Khán—Article by Sir H. M. Elliot—all the translation by the Editor. |
LXXX. | Táríkh of Irádat Khán—Captain Jonathan Scott. |
LXXXI. | Táríkh-i Bahádur Sháh—“Lieutenant Anderson.” |
LXXXII. | Táríkh-i Sháh 'Álam Bahádur Sháh—Editor. |
LXXXIII. | 'Ibrat-náma—Editor. |