1. The Bábar-náma, reproduced in facsimile from a MS. belonging to the late Sir Sálár Jang of Ḥaydarábád, and edited with Preface and Indices, by Mrs Beveridge, 1905. (Out of print.)
2. An abridged translation of Ibn Isfandiyár’s History of Ṭabaristán, by Edward G. Browne, 1905. Price 8s.
3. Al-Khazrají’s History of the Rasúlí Dynasty of Yaman, with Trans- lation by the late Sir J. Redhouse, now edited by E. G. Browne, R. A. Nicholson, and A. Rogers. Vols. I, II (Translation), 1906-07. Price 7s. each. Vol. III (Annotations), 1908. Price 5s. Vols. IV, V (Arabic Text) edited by Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Asal, 1913, 1918. Price 8s. each.
4. Umayyads and ‘Abbásids: being the Fourth Part of Jurjí Zaydán’s History of Islamic Civilisation, translated by Professor D. S. Margoliouth, D.Litt., 1907. Price 5s.
5. The Travels of Ibn Jubayr, the late Dr William Wright’s edition of the Arabic text, revised by the late Professor M. J. de Goeje, 1907. Price 6s.
6. Yáqût’s Dictionary of Learned Men, entitled Irshád al-aríb ilá ma‘rifat al-adíb: edited by Professor D. S. Margoliouth, D.Litt. Vols. I, II, 1907-09. Price 8s. each. Vol. III, part 1, 1910. Price 5s. Vol. V, 1911. Price 10s. Vol. VI, 1913. Price 10s.
7. The Tajáribu ’l-Umam of Ibn Miskawayh: reproduced in facsimile from MSS. 3116-3121 of Áyá Ṣofiya, with Prefaces and Summaries by the Principe di Teano. Vol. I, to A.H. 37, 1909; Vol. V, A.H. 284-326, 1913; Vol. VI, A.H. 326-369, 1917. Price 7s. each. (Vols. II, III and IV in preparation.)
8. The Marzubán-náma of Sa‘du’d-Dín-i-Waráwíní, edited by Mírzá Muḥammad of Qazwín, 1909. Price 8s.
9. Textes persans relatifs à la secte des Ḥouroûfîs publiés, traduits, et annotés par Clément Huart, suivis d’une étude sur la religion des Ḥouroûfîs par “Feylesouf Rizá,” 1909. Price 8s.
10. The Mu‘jam fí Ma‘áyíri Ash‘ári’l-‘Ajam of Shams-i-Qays, edited from the British Museum MS. Or. 2814 and others by Mírzá Muḥammad of Qazwín, 1909. Price 8s.
11. The Chahár Maqála of Nidhámí-i-‘Arúḍí-i-Samarqandí, edited, with notes in Persian, by Mírzá Muḥammad of Qazwín, 1910. Price 8s.
12. Introduction à l’Histoire des Mongols de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-Din, par E. Blochet, 1910. Price 8s.
13. The Díwán of Ḥassán b. Thábit (d. A.H. 54), edited by Hartwig Hirsch- feld, Ph.D., 1910. Price 5s.
14. The Ta’ríkh-i-Guzída of Ḥamdu’lláh Mustawfí of Qazwín. Part I, containing the Reproduction in facsimile of an old MS., with Intro- duction by Edward G. Browne, 1910. Price 15s. Part II, con- taining abridged Translation and Indices, 1913. Price 10s.
15. The Earliest History of the Bábís, composed before 1852 by Ḥájjí Mírzá Jání of Káshán, edited from the Paris MS. (Suppl. Persan, 1071) by E. G. Browne, 1911. Price 8s.
16. The Ta’ríkh-i-Jahán-gushá of ‘Alá’u’d-Dín ‘Aṭá Malik-i-Juwayní, edited from seven MSS. by Mírzá Muḥammad of Qazwín, in three volumes, Vol I, 1912 and Vol. II, 1916. Price 8s. each. (Vol. III in preparation.)
17. An abridged translation of the Kashfu’l-Maḥjúb of ‘Alí b. ‘Uthmán al-Jullábí al-Hujwírí, the oldest Persian manual of Ṣúfíism, by R. A. Nicholson, 1911. Price 8s.
18. Tarikh-i-moubarek-i Ghazani, histoire des Mongols de la Djami el- Tévarikh de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-Din, éditée par E. Blochet. Vol. II, contenant l’histoire des successeurs de Tchinkkiz Khaghan, 1911. Prix 12s. (Vol. III, contenant l’histoire des Mongols de Perse, sous presse; pour paraître ensuite, Vol. I, contenant l’histoire des tribus turkes et de Tchinkkiz Khaghan.)
19. The Governors and Judges of Egypt, or Kitâb el ’Umarâ’ (el Wulâh) wa Kitâb el-Quḍâh of El Kindî, with an Appendix derived mostly from Raf‘ el Iṣr by Ibn Ḥajar, edited by Rhuvon Guest, 1912. Price 12s.
20. The Kitáb al-Ansáb of al-Sam‘ání, reproduced in facsimile from the British Museum MS. Add. 23,355, with an Introduction by Professor D. S. Margoliouth, D.Litt., 1912. Price £1.
21. The Díwáns of ‘Abíd ibn al-Abraṣ and ‘Ámir ibn aṭ-Ṭufayl, edited, with a translation and notes, by Sir Charles Lyall, 1913. Price 12s.
22. The Kitábu’l-Luma‘ fi ’t-Taṣawwuf of Abú Naṣr as-Sarráj, edited from two MSS., with critical notes and Abstract of Contents, by R. A. Nicholson, 1916. Price 12s.
23. The geographical part of the Nuzhatu-’l-Qulúb of Ḥamdu’lláh Mus- tawfí of Qazwín, with a translation, by G. le Strange. Part I. The Persian text, 1916. Price 8s. Part II. The English translation, with notes, 1918. Price 8s.
24. Die auf Südarabien bezüglichen Angaben im Shams al-‘Ulúm, von Nashwán al-Ḥimyarí, gesammelt, alphabetisch geordnet und herausge- geben von ‘Aẓímu’d-Dín Aḥmad Ph.D., 1916. Price 5s.
The Persian Caspian Provinces Mázandarán and Astarábád, by H. L. Rabino di Borgomale, lately H.B.M. Vice Consul for Rasht and Astarábád.
The Qábús-náma, edited in the original Persian with a translation, by E. Edwards.
The Díwáns of aṭ-Ṭufayl b. ‘Awf and Ṭirimmáḥ b. Ḥakím, edited and translated by F. Krenkow.
The Persian text of the Fárs Náma of Ibnu’l-Balkhí, edited from the British Museum MS. (Or. 5983), by G. le Strange and R. A. Nicholson.
The Ráḥatu’ṣ-Ṣudúr wa Áyatu’s-Surúr, a history of the Seljúqs, by Najmu’d-Dín Abú Bakr Muḥammad ar-Ráwandí, edited from the unique Paris MS. (Suppl. Persan, 1314), by Edward G. Browne.
The Funds of this Memorial are derived from the Interest accruing from a Sum of money given by the late MRS GIBB of Glasgow, to perpetuate the Memory of her beloved son
and to promote those researches into the History, Literature, Philo- sophy and Religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs, to which, from his Youth upwards, until his premature and deeply lamented Death in his forty-fifth year, on December 5, 1901, his life was devoted.
<Arabic>“The worker pays his debt to Death;His work lives on, nay, quickeneth.”
The following memorial verse is contributed by ‘Abdu’l-Ḥaqq Ḥámid Bey, formerly of the Imperial Ottoman Embassy in London, one of the Founders of the New School of Turkish Literature, and for many years an intimate friend of the deceased.