C.—Macan's edition of the Sháhnáma.
BGDF.The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon. Edited by J. B. Bury, M.A.
BLHP.A Literary History of Persia. By Edward G. Browne, M.A.
DZA.Professor Darmesteter's Trans. of the Zandavasta in the Sacred Books of the East. References to Parts* and pages.
GYZ.Geiger: Das Yātkār-i Zarīrān und sein Verhältniss zum Šāhnāme. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-philolo-gischen und historischen Classe der k. b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München. 1890. Bd. II. Heft I. p. 43.
HEP.Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis. By Martin Haug, Ph.D. Edited and enlarged by E. W. West, Ph.D.
HLP.The Legend of Perseus. By E. S. Hartland.
HRVP.Veterum Persarum … Religionis Historia. Ed. 2nd. By Thomas Hyde.
JZ.Zoroaster. By A. V. Williams Jackson.
MHP.History of Persia. By Sir John Malcolm, G.C.B.
MM.Maçoudi: Les Prairies d'Or. Texte et Traduction par C. Barbier de Meynard et Pavet de Courteille.
NIN.Das Iranische Nationalepos von Theodor Nöldeke.
NT.Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden. Aus der Arabischen Chronik des Tabari übersetzt und mit ausführlichen Erläuterungen und Ergänzungen versehn von Th. Nöldeke.
RK.The Koran: Translated from the Arabic. By J. M. Rodwell. Second edition.
RP.Records of the Past. First Series.
SM.History of the Early Kings of Persia… Translated from the original Persian of Mirkhond … By David Shea.
STD.The Dabistán … translated … by David Shea and Anthony Troyer.
WLS.In the Land of the Lion and Sun… By C. J. Wills, M.D.
WPR.The Pársí Religion. By John Wilson.
WPT.Dr. E. W. West's Trans. of the Pahlaví Texts in the Sacred Books of the East. Reference to Parts and pages.
ZT.Chronique de Abou-Djafar-Mo'hammed-Ben-Djarir-Ben-Yezid Tabari. Traduite sur la version Persane d'Abou-'Ali Mo'hammed Bel'ami par M. Hermann Zotenberg.