Title page
     Of the Moghoolsix
     Chungees Khanxiii
Of Adam1
Of Seth15
Of Shem, the Son of Noah, and his Descendants19
Of Ham, the Son of Noah, and his Descendants21
Of Japhet, the Son of Noah, and his Descendants22
Of Toork, the Son of Japhet, and his Descendants24
Of Komari, the Son of Japhet, the son of Noah27
Of the Tatars29
Of the Moghools30
An account of the kings, the descendants of Osman, who now reign in the kingdoms of Room and Zung and who are now called Khoongar, and are said by some to be descended from Aghooz Khan40
Of the emigration of the tribes of Kyaat and Darul­geen from the mountains of Arkuni Koon.43
The history of Yuldooz Khan, the son of Munguli Khwajeh, the son of Timoor Tash Khan, of the sons of Keyan or Kyan.44
The history of Boozunjur Khan, the son of Alenko or Alunko, the daughter of Choyumna Khan, the son of Yuldooz, the son of Munguli Khwajeh, of the tribe of Koorlass, the descendants of the Kyaat.46
An Account of the Wives and Children of Chungeez Khan the Great87
An Account of the Customs of the Moghool Tribes, and the Yasaie, or Regulations of the great Chun­geez Khan90
The Customs of the Moghools93
The Character of their Troops94
The march of Khorazm Shah to Jund and Samurkund102
The reign of Koshluk Khan, the son of Tabang Khan, the King of the Naimans106
The march of Chungeez Khan towards Iran, to revenge the murder of his Ambassadors110
The commencement of the war between Chungeez Khan and Khorazm Shah121
The advance of Chungeez Khan to Iran125
The siege of Otrar129
Of the Expedition of Alak Noyaun to Fusakut and Khojund132
The march of Chungeez to the city of Turmuz147
Chungeez Khan crosses the Jihoon, and despatches his son Tooli to Men148
The remainder of the expedition of Tooli Khan to Khorasan154
The expedition of Tooli Khan to Herat162
Of Sultan Julal-ud-deen168
The march of Chungeez Khan to attack Sultan Julal-ud-deen173
Chungeez Khan despatches his ameers Doormun Bukhshi and Bala Noyaun, in pursuit of Sultan Julal-ud-deen to the countries of Hind and Sindh178
What befel Sultan Julal-ud-deen after his defeat, and his return towards Irak180
The return of Chungeez Khan to Turkistan186
The return of Chungeez Khan to Tooran188
Conclusion of the expedition of Jubeh Noyaun and Sowidai Buhadoor to Iran, in pursuit of Sultan Mahummud191
The advice and testament of Chungeez Khan to his children and Kurachar Noyaun195
The names of the Padshahs, or Khans, who have reigned in Aligh Yurut202
The march of Ooktaie Khan, Chughtaie Khan, and Tooli Khan to Khutaie, and the conquest of that country; also the death of Tooli Khan on his return thence207
Of Kyook Khan, the son of Ooktaie, the son of Chungeee210
Mango Khan, the son of Tooli Khan211
The march of Hulako to Persia213
The fourth king of the Moghools, Koblai Khan the son of Tooli Khan215
The fifth king of the Moghools was Timour Khan, the son of Jumakum, the son of Kowilai, the son of Tooli, the son of Chungeez Khan217
A list of the kings of Kupchak, of the descendants of Chungeez Khan220
An abridged history of Joje Khan, the son of Chun­geez Khan, and the first King of Kupchak221
The second king of Kupchak, Boorkeh Khan, the son of Joje Khan228
A history of the children and descendants of the great Chungeez Khan, who established their authority in Persia,—Sixteen persons241
The reign of Hulako Khan, also called Eel Khan, the son of Tooli Khan, and the first king of Persia of his race241
The reign of Abukai Khan, the son of Hulako248
An Account of the Kings of Egypt253
The third khan, Nikodar, the son of Hulako, who was styled Ahmud Khan256
The fourth khan, Arghoon, the son of Abukai Khan, &c.260
The fifth khan, Gunjatoo Khan, the son of Abukai, the son of Hulako, &c.265
The sixth khan, Baidoo Khan, the son of Turaghai, the son of Hulako, the son of Tooli Khan, &c.270
The seventh khan, Sultan Mahmood Ghazan, the son of Arghoon Khan, the son of Abukai Khan, the son of Hulako.278
An account of the Kings of Egypt, and what occurred between Sultan Ghazan Khan and Mullik Nasir-ud-deen, the Sultan of Egypt283
The eighth khan, Ooljaitoo Khan, the son of Arghoon, the son of Abukai Khan, the son of Hulako287
The ninth khan, Aboo Saeed, the son of Ooljaitoo Khan, the son of Arghoon Khan, the son of Abu­kai Khan, the son of Hulako291
An account of Prince Mysoor Ooghlan, the son of Ooruk Timoor, the son of Toktimoor, the son of Kudaghi, the son of Toori, the son of Bamgan, the son of Chughtaie Khan296
Some account of the reign of Aboo Saeed Bahadoor Khan, and the folly of Ameer Choban Suldooz, and his death, &c.298
The marriage of Baghdad Khatoon with Sultan Aboo Saeed, and the death of that prince.307
The reign of Arpa Khan, the son of Soosa, who was the fifth in descent from Areek Boka Khan, the son of Tooli Khan310
The reign of Moosa Khan, the son of Ali, the son of Baidoo, &c.312
Some account of Ameer Shaikh Hussun, the son of Ameer Timoor Tash, the son of Ameer Choban Suldooz317
The fourteenth Khan, Saki Beg, the daughter of Ooljaitoo Sultan319
The fifteenth Khan, Jehan Timoor Khan, the son of Alafring, the son of Gunjatoo Khan, the son of Abakai Khan, the son of Hulako Khan, &c.328
The sixteenth Khan, Suliman, the son of Mahum­mud, the son of Sukneh, the son of Bishmoot, the son of Hulako, &c.328
Some account of Aboo Shaikh Ali Gawun, the son of Soori, the son of Baba Bahadoor, the son of Aboo Kan, the son of Eel Kan, the son of Toori, the son of Joji, the son of Kybad, the son of Yusookai Bahadoor, the father of Chungeez329
An account of Mullik Ashruf, the son of Timoor Tash, the son of Choban Suldooz332
The Reign of Nowshirwan Khan333
The death of Shaikh Hussun the elder, and the acces­sion of his son, Shaikh Awees Khan335
The reign of Sultan Hussein, the son of Sultan Awees, the son of Shaikh Hussun the elder, the son of Ameer Hussun Goorkan, &c.338
The reign of Sultan Ahmud, the son of Sultan Awees, the son of Sultan Ameer Shaikh Hussun Jullair, the elder, &c.341
The dynasty of Chughtaie Khan, the Son of Chungeez Khan, in the country of Tooraun343
The restoration of Kara Hulako Khan355
The reign of the eighth khan, Borak, the son of Sookur, the son of Kamgar, the son of Chughtaie, the son of Chungeez Khan359
The Conquest of the Aloos of Chughtaie, by Meer Kurghun375