THE Persian Manuscript, of which the following sheets are a translation, was presented to your deceased brother, at the time he governed these provinces, with so much honour to himself, and glory to the British nation; and his late worthy son gave me a copy of it.—By the untimely death of your nephew, Mr. Henry Vansittart, who was eminently possessed of every virtue and valuable accomplishment with which human nature can be adorned, I lost an inestimable friend, whose memory I shall ever cherish with admiration, affection, and regard.
Permit me now, Sir, to offer you this little Work, which so properly belongs to your family. — The author, whose name is unknown, appears, in general, to be well acquainted with his subject, and conveys much curious information, on the state of the government, and of the revenues, of Bengal, during a very interesting period of Asiatick history; but, at the same time, I have found it necessary to abridge some of his tedious details of immaterial events, so as to render the translation acceptable to an English reader.