Muḥammad Šarīf al-Najafī fl. ca. 1038/1628-9


Muḥammad Šarīf al-Najafī was born in the Deccan and spent the first 25 years of his life there. The author is mostly known for his work Majālis al-ṣalāṭīn, which is a short history of the Kings of Dehli, the Deccan and Kashmir, extending until the accession of Šāh Jahān in 1038/1628-9. His exact date of death is not known.


Majālis al-ṣalāṭīn     Assemblies of Sultans [Elliot&Dowson, v. VIII, chapter LXVII: PHI site]

Completed 1038/1628-9.