Muḥammad ʿAlī Ḫān Anṣārī d. 1206/1791


Muḥammad ʿAlī Ḫān Anṣārī lived under the patronage of the deputy governor of Bengal during the reign of Mughal ruler Šāh ʿĀlam II (r. 1173/1759 to 1202/1788, and 1203/1788 to 1221/1806). Anṣārī completed several works, most of which deal with the general history of South Asia and the history of the Mughal Empire and its rulers. He died in 1206/1791.


Tārīḫ-i Muẓaffarī     The History of Muẓaffar

Extends to 1202/1787-8, subsequently continued to 1225/1810.

Tārīḫ-i Muẓaffarī, named for Anṣārī’s deputy general benefactor, is a general history of the Mughals extending to 1202/1787-8 and subsequently continued to 1225/1810. This work is considered a valuable resource for the reign of Muḥammad Šāh and the later period of the Mughal Empire.