Kamwār Ḫān, Muḥammad Hādī fl. ca. 1137-38/1724-25


Muḥammad Hādī first entered the service of the Mughal Empire during the time of Awrangzīb (see author 30). During the reign of Šāh Aʾlam, son and successor to Awrangzīb, he reached a high position and received the title of Kamwār Ḫān. The author is mostly known for his works of history, though he also completed a continuation of Jahāngīr’s memoirs extending them to the emperor’s death. Muḥammad Hādī’s exact date of death is not known.


Tatimmah-yi vāqiʿāt-i Jahāngīrī     The Complement Concerning the Events of Jahāngīr

Tatimmah-yi vāqiʿāt-i Jahāngīrī is the memoirs of Mughal emperor Jahāngīr, extended by Muḥammad Hādī until the end of his reign. Hādī also added an introduction and information on Jahāngīr’s life before his accession to the throne.

Haft gulšan-i Muḥammad Šāhī     Seven Flower Gardens of Muḥammad Šāh

Completed ca. 1132/1719-20.

Haft gulšan-i Muḥammad Šāhī is a general history of India extending to 1132/1719-20 dealing in particular with some of the more minor dynasties.

Taẕkiraħ-i salāṭīn-i Čağatāʾī     Memorial of Chagatay Kings

Extends to 1137-8/1724-5.

Taẕkiraħ-i salāṭīn-i Čağatāʾī is a history of the House of Tīmūr, particularly dealing with the Mughal rulers, divided into two volumes. The first volume extends to the death of Jahāngīr. The second volume extends to the sixth or seventh year of the reign of Muhhamad Šāh in 1137-8/1724-5.