Jūzjānī, ʿUmān ibn Muḥammad, Minhāj-i Sirāj/Minhāj ibn Sirāj fl. ca. 685/1260


Minhāj al-Dīn ‘Umān ibn Sirāj al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Jūzjānī, commonly known as Minhāj-i Sirāj, held various high legal and judicial positions associated with the Sultanate at Delhi in the middle of the 7th/13th century. In 625/1228, he went to Delhi under the patronage of the Sultan Šams al-Dīn Iletmiš, eventually attaining the position of Chief Justice. He left Delhi ca. 640/1242, on account of the political instability there, and went to Bengal; he returned two years later and was favorably accepted by Iletmiš’s son, Naṣīr al-Dīn Mahmud Šāh (r. 644/1246 to 664/1265). Under Naṣīr al-Dīn, Jūzjānī served as a principal of the Madrasa-i Naṣīriyya and later attained his former position of Chief Justice (he later lost this position in disgrace but was to regain it a year later). Jūzjānī’s death date is not known for certain but he most likely died reign of Sūlṭān Ğiyā al-Dīn Balban (664/1265 to 686/1287).


Ṭabaqāt-i Nāṣirī     The Nāṣirean Categories

Composed mainly in 657-8/1259-60.

Jūzjānī’s fame is a result from his work entitled Ṭabaqāt-i Nāṣirī, composed mainly in 657-8/1259-60. Ṭabaqāt-i Nāṣirī is a general history from the Patriarchs and Prophets to Jūzjānī’s own time. It is divided into 23 parts perhaps the most notable of which deal with the Sultanate period in what is now India. Ṭabaqāt-i Nāṣirī is considered the main source for this early Sultanate period as the author “utilized sources that are no longer extant”.