Completed 915/1509-10.
Dastūr al-wuzarāʾ is a collecti0n of biographical accounts of important viziers of Islamic dynasties.Extends to 930/1524.
Considered Ḫwāndamīr’s most famous work, Ḥabīb al-siyar fī aḫbār afrād al-bašar is a work of general history from the earliest times until just prior to the death of Šāh Ismaʿil I in 930/1524. The work is divided into three sections: Pre-Islamic history, Islamic history extending to the end of the Abbasid Caliphate, and history of the Mongol and Tīmūrid rule until the coming of the Safavids in Iran. Each section is then divided further into four parts. The work also includes “a great number of biographies at the end of the treatment of each major historical period” as well as an epilogue containing some geographical information.Completed ca. 941-2/1534-5.
Humāyūn-nāmah is a cultural and social sketch of the Mughal Emperor Humāyūn’s reign. The work includes an account of the “rules and ordinances established by the Emperor Humāyūn and some buildings erected by him”.Completed 905/1499-1500.
Ḫulāṣaħ al-aḫbār fī bayān aḥvāl al-aḫyār is a general hist0ry that extends to 875/1470-1. The most original contribution is the author’s description of Herat, which includes a description of the artists and other notables living there.