Extends to 1144/1731-2.
Muntaḫab al-Lubāb is a history of the Mughals from Bābur’s conquest in 932/1526 to the 14th year of Muḥammad Šāh’s reign in 1140/1731-2. The work seems to have been originally intended to comprise three volumes, however, only the second volume (dealing with the history from Bābur) appears in what may be considered the author’s final form. Only fragments of the first volume (from the Islamic conquest to the end of the Lodī dynasty) and the third volume (on local dynasties) exist. Nonetheless, the work is valuable source, especially in regards to the portions on the reign of Awrangzīb, who prohibited the writing of histories during his reign. Ḫwāfī Ḫān’s date of death is not known for certain but likely to have occurred ca. 1145-46/1732-33.