Ğulām Ḥusayn Ḫān Ṭabāṭabāʾī Ḥasanī spent most of his life in the midst of the political vicissitudes during the waning days of the Mughal Empire, in particular those events related to the area of what is today the district of West Bengal, India. By profession he was a
munshi (secretary) with a praiseworthy ability in letter writing, but it was politics that seemed to lead his traveling from place to place and his continuous switching of patrons and supporters He appears to have had a great talent for “create connections with contemporary men of position” and politicking. Ğulām Ḥusayn Ḫān composed several works across a wide range of genres. Among his works are: “a masnavi on the lives of his ancestors…a theological work on the prerogatives of Ali and his descendants…a
tafsir (exegesis) on the Kuran…a commentary on Rumi…a divan of poems…and other theological works”.
Siyar al-Mutaʾaḫirīn (completed 1195/1781)
Siyar al-Mutaʾaḫirīn is a work of history from the time of Mughal ruler Awrangzib’s (see author 30) death in 1118/1707 to 1195/1781.