“Fattāḥī” Nīšābūrī, Muḥammad Yaḥyā ibn Sībak d. 852 or 853/1448-9


Muḥammad Yaḥyā ibn Sībak “Fattāḥī” Nīšābūrī was a Persian poet who flourished during Tīmūrid times. While there is no definitive list of all of Fattāḥī’s works, it is known that most of his works were allegories. His most famous work is certainly Dastūr-i uššāq, often referred to as Ḥuṣn va dil in reference to the work’s two main characters. Ḥuṣn va dil is a story of love between Heart (Dil) and Beauty (Ḥuṣn). The book is filled with literary embellishments, symbolic expressions and rhetorical devices, at times used in excess by the author. The work was completed in completed 840/1436-7.


Ḥuṣn va dil     Beauty and Heart (The Instruction of Lovers)

Completed 840/1436-7.