The marriage of Baghdad Khatoon with Sultan Aboo Saeed, and the death of that prince.

It is related, that after the death of Ameer Choban, Sultan Aboo Saeed sent for Kazee Moba­rik Shah, and desired him to go to Ameer Shaikh Hussun and try all means to procure from him the divorce of Baghdad Khatoon; the kazi accord­ingly went to Shaikh Hussun Elkani, and in such terms as he could frame, detailed to him this extraordinary request. Shaikh Hussun, who knew his life was at stake, and resistance vain, was at last, in the presence of the kazi, compelled to divorce his wife, whom he tenderly loved, and after the days of separation she was married to the sultan, and soon took a leading part in the management of state affairs.

In the year 732 Hejri, certain malicious persons informed the sultan that a private correspondence by letter was carried on between Ameer Shaikh Hussun and Baghdad Khatoon. The mind of the sultan on hearing this became estranged from both, and he sought to put Ameer Shaikh Hussun to death; but, as his mother was the sister of Ooljai­too Sultan, and the sultan’s aunt, on her account he contented himself with banishing him to the fort of Kumakh. Baghdad Khatoon also fell under his displeasure, but after an examination into the truth of these reports they were found destitute of foundation, and Baghdad Khatoon was, therefore, restored to her former rank, and Ameer Shaikh Hussun Elkani, who, after the murder of Ameer Choban Suldooz, had been made ameer-ul-omra, was also restored to favour and appointed to the government of Room.

It is said that Sultan Aboo Saeed, in the spring and autumn, took up his quarters at Sultania, and passed the summer and winter at Baghdad or Karabaugh of Iran, and that he was fond of the society of men of learning. He also wrote a very fine hand, for which accomplishment he was indebted to his tutor, Khwajeh Abdulla Syrufi. Sultan Aboo Saeed towards the end of the year 735 Hejri, proceeded to Baghdad, and on the road was informed that Sultan Mahummud Ourung Khan had quitted the country of Kupchak to invade Persia and Azurbijan, and that he had arrived near Durbund. For this reason, in the beginning of the year 736 Hejri, the sultan returned to Persia and halted at Shirwan, near three months, where, from the heat of the weather and the noxious quality of the air of that place, he was attacked by a fatal disease. On the fifteenth day after his attack, being in great danger, he went to the bath, which so much increased his malady that he died. His death occurred at Beelkan on the 13th Rub­biel­Akhir 736, and his body was carried to Sul­tania and buried in a dome built by himself for its reception: he was only thirty-two years of age, and had reigned nineteen years. It is said, that Sultan Aboo Saeed, towards the end of his life, saw the daughter of Damishk Khwajeh, Dil Shad Khatoon, a most beautiful woman, who was resid­ing with her aunt, Baghdad Khatoon, and that he fell in love with her and married her; also, that Baghdad Khatoon, from jealousy, poisoned the sultan.