IT has been reported to us, that the Mûtusuddy of the Jyshe, Kishn Râo, has been bitten by a mad dog: we therefore write to desire that you will give the aforesaid [Mûtusuddy] in particular charge to the physician, Mahommed Baig, who must administer to him the proper medicines in such cases, and restore him to health. He must also be told not to let the discharge from the wound stop, but to keep it open for six months.

N.B. A letter, to the above effect, was likewise written to the physician, Mahommed Baig.


This is not the only letter in which the Sultan has exhibited himself in the character of a physician. A still more curious instance of the same kind will appear hereafter. It would be well, if we could attribute his interference in such matters to any particular solicitude for the welfare of the patients. This motive would, at least, be creditable to his humanity: but humanity, or sympathy in the sufferings of others, was not, it may be safely affirmed, among the Sultan’s virtues. His conduct, therefore, on the occasions in question, can only be referred to the vanity, which made him desirous of appearing to know, as well as to direct, every thing.

The Syed Mahommed Khân, to whom this letter is addressed, continued to be Kilaadâr of Seringapatam, to the period of the capture of that place by the English; and was among the few persons of distinction who survived its fall. He stood high in the confidence of the Sultan, who speaking, in his Memoirs, of the manner in which he disposed of some of the principal offices of state on his accession to the Musnud, says: “the Kilaadâry of Putn I consigned to Syed “Mahommed, a man long distinguished for his fidelity and courage, and one of “[our] most ancient adherents.” The situation held for so long a period by this person, must necessarily have made him a participator in many, or most, of the cruelties committed within the walls of Seringapatam, by order of his master: he has, nevertheless, obtained credit, for having often granted to the English prisoners confined there, at different times, indulgencies by no means authorized by the Sultan’s instructions.