The first volume ends at page 400, and the second volume begins at page 401.
Throughout this Index M. represents Muhammad, the Apost e.

A’aishah or A’ayshah, third wife of M., xvii., xviii., xx. A tradi­tion of hers about the first vision of M., 134, note 135. Describes how the revelations affected him, 148. Betrothed to M., 205. Her tradition about the depar­ture of M. and Abu Bakr from Mekkah, 236, 237. What hap­pened to her afterwards, 238. Goes to Madinah, 252. Marriage with M. consummated, 259. The slander about her, 435-442. Her innocence declared, 440. Her remarks about the Coptic con­cubine Mâryah, 647, 649. Her traditions about the last illness, death, and burial of M., 703-705, 707, 708, 711, 718, 720, 728, 729, 734, 739. Stories about her, 764, 765. Details about her and her family, 767-770

A’ashura, a Jewish fast, 259. The Ramadzan fast founded on and after it, 260

A’atikah, daughter of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 51. Her dream, 285; frequently mentioned, 286, 291, 293

Ababil birds who destroyed Abra­bah’s army, 36-38, note 48

Abbâs, tenth son of A’bd ul-Muttalleb, surnamed Abu-l-Fazl, 51. Left six children, 51. Adopts Ja’fer, son of Ali B. Abu Tâleb, 151. His speeches at Aq’abah, 226, 227, 230. His sister A’ati­kah tells him her dream, 285, 286. What happened to him at Bedr, 326-329. His conversion, 337. Sends intelligence to M. about the Qoraish preparations for war, 368. His conduct at Mekkah after the Khayber victory, 550, 551. What he does during the expedition against Mekkah, 583, 586-592. His doings during M.’s last illness, 707, 713, 731; and after his death, 731-736

A’bd Munâf, ancestor of M., 19. Description of him and his four sons, 55. Made Governor of Mekkah, 57. His family tree, 797

A’bdullah B. Abbâs, generally called Ebn Abbâs, 51, 723, 733, 739

A’bdullah, eighth son of Abd-ul-Muttalleb and father of M., 19, 50. His good looks, 21, 51?? Conspiracy against him, 21. Arrangements to marry Aminah, 22. The story of Fattimah of Syria coming after him, 22-25. Marries Aminah, 25. His early death, 26. His father proposed to sacrifice him, 32, 33. Men­tioned him to Saif Zu Yazan, 44, 45

A’bdullah B. Anys murders Sofian B. Khâled, 413, 414

A’bdullah B. Abu Salûl the hypo­crite, 354, 355, 429-434, 653. His death, 671, 672

A’bdullah B. Hudaqah Sahmy, the envoy to Khosru Parviz of Persia, 517, 524, 525

A’bdullah B. Juda’an, a prince of the Qoraish, 42, 118, 124

A’bdullah, son of M., 778

A’bdullah B. Ruâhah, killed at Mowtah, 567-570

A’bdullah B. Sullâm, one of the Jewish U’lâma, asks questions and becomes a convert, 253, 254

A’bdullah B. Qossai entrusted with duties in the Ka’bah, 57, note 64

A’bdullah Dhu Abajâdyn, Story of, 662, 663

A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, grandfather of M., xiv., 19. Arranges his son A’bdullah’s marriage with Ami­nah, 22, 25. Marries Hailah, 26. The story of his birth and bringing up, 26. His good qualities, 27. Digs up the well Zamzam, 27-30. Disputes about it, and what was found there, 30-32. His meeting with Abrahah, 35, 36. Securing the valuables after Abrahah’s flight, 38. His visit to Saif Zu Yazan, 41, 42; who foretells the advent of M., 43-45. His dream, 48. His good qualities and family, 49-51. His love for M., 52. Hands him over to Abu Tâleb, 53; and dies, 53, 119. What he did at M.’s birth, 95-98. Arranges with Halimah about the suckling of M., 108. Takes charge of him on Aminah’s death, 117, 118

A’bd-ul-Uzza B. Qossai appointed to duties in the Ka’bah, 57; note 64

A’bdu-r-rahman B. Awuf, his early conversion, xvi., 150. His story of Bedr, 315, 324. His generosity, 653. Commands the left wing of the army in the Tabuk cam­paign, 655

A’bd-ush-Shams, ancestor of the Ommayides, 55, 797

Abrahah, King of Yaman, invades the Hajaz, and the result, 33-38

Abraham, xii., 19. His epithet ‘Friend of God,’ xii., notes 44, 52. See Ebrâhim

Abu A’ameer, the monk, 77. His story about the genii, 78. The prophecy about M., 79. Joined the Mekkans before Bedr, 368. At Ohod, 374

Abu Bakr, surnamed Siddiq or Ssid­diq, xvi., 79; notes 90, 156. Pro­fesses Islam, 154. His bet about the Byzantines and Persians, 191. Believes the story of the night journey to Jerusalem and heaven, 216. Accompanies M. in his flight from Mekkah to the cave Thor, 233, 237-240. Proceeds with M. en route to Madinah, and their adventures, 240-247. Wants to marry Fattimah, the daughter of M., but offer declined, 269. Proposes to fight at Bedr, 296. His opinion about the treatment of the captives after Bedr, 333-336. His opinion of the treaty of peace at Hadaybiah, 510, 511. Fights at Khayber, 541. Goes with M. on the expedition against Mekkah, 592. Visits M. when he quarrelled with his wives about Mâryah the Copt, 647, 648. His generosity to the Tabuk campaign funds, 652. Goes on that expedition, 653, 654. Defeated at Wâdy-urraml Sariah, 664. Goes to Mekkah on pil­grimage with Ali, xxii., 672-675. Ordered to go on the second Syrian expedition, 702. Ordered to hold the prayers in M.’s place in the mosque, xxiii., 720, 721. Rebukes O’mar for saying that M. was not dead, 730, 731

Abu Bassyr, The story of, 514-516

Abu Dhar Ghuffâry, The story of, 661

Abu Dujjanah the Anssari at Bedr, 325. At Ohod, 377-379, 382, 384, 387, 393. Attained martyr­dom, 401

Abu Haryrah at Bedr, 321. A tradition of his, 348. At Mow­tah, 569; note 358

Abu Jahl or Abu-l-Hukm, notes 167, 254. Persecutes and insults M., 162. Interrogates Wolid B. Moghairah about M., 166. Again insults M., 178. Chastised by Hamzah for it, 179. Does not believe the story of the night journey, 216. Strikes A’aishah, 238. Insults Abbâs and his sister A’atikah about her dream, 286. Insults Ommyah B. Khuluf, 289. Is all for fighting M. at Bedr, 293, 309; where he is killed, 315-318

Abu Jundal, son of Sohayl B. Amru, his story, 506, 507. Joins Abu Bassyr at A’yss, 516

Abu Kabshah, notes 232, 256, 344; 301, 523

Abu Khodhayfah B. O’tbah, 326, 329

Abu-l-A’ass B. Rabyi’, husband of Zaynab, one of M.’s daughters, 346, 347, 779, 780

Abu Lahab, also called Abu Ot’bah, second son of Abd-ul-Muttalleb, steals the golden fawns of the Ka’bah, 50. Cursed in the Qurân, 50, note 57. Remained an infidel, 51. Offered to take charge of M. when he was a boy, 52. His slave girl Nubiah suckled him, 104. On this account his torment in hell relieved every Monday, 105. Scoffs at M., 158, 159; to whom is revealed on the spot ch. cxi. of the Qurân about his uncle, 158. Still persecutes and insults M., 161. Refuses to go out from Mekkah with the others to protect the expected caravan, 285. Receives the news about Bedr, 342. His death and burial, 343

Abul Feda, the historian, ix.

Abu-l-Uzza, the poet, 336, 337. Is killed, 408

Abu Muhammad B. Ala’zyz, 383

Abu Sofiân B. Harb, the father of Moa’viab, the first Ommayad Khalifah, 50, 56, 281, 285, 368, 403, 421-423, 442-444, 446, 453, 458, 464, 480-482, 521-523, 575, 577-579, 585-597, 632

Abu Sofiân B. Hareth B. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 49, 50, 342, 584

Abu Tâleb, seventh son of Abd-ul-Muttalleb, xiv., xv., xvi., xvii., 50, 51. Takes charge of M., 52, 53. Very fond of him, 119. Takes him to Syria, 119-123. Takes him to a doctor on account of his dreams, 125. Recommends him to trade for Khodaijah, 126. Settles M.’s marriage with her, 129, 130. His two sons A’li and Ja’fer adopted by M. and Abbâs, 151. Does not object to A’li’s conversion, 152. Tells Ja’fer also to join A’li, 153. Protects M. from the persecution and insults of the Qoraish, 164, 169, 170. Refuses to surrender M. to them, 169, 184, 185. Goes to the Shi’b, 185; which he had fortified, 187. And watches over M. 187. How the Qoraish cove­nant was annulled, 187-189. His address to the Bani Hâshem on his death-bed, 193. Commends M. to them, 193, 194. M. comes to see him, 195. Tries to con­vert him, but fails, 195. Prays for him, 196; till verse revealed not to pray for idolaters, 196. His interview with the Qoraish about M., 196, 197. His death, 198. Doubts about his con­version, 197, 198

Abyssinia, Emigration to, xvi., 11, 170. Return, 12, 172. Flight of Abrahah to —, 38. Arrival of Saif and Hormuzed there, 39, 40. Embassy of Qoraish to —, 172-177. M. sends envoy there, 517, 518

Adam, the first prophet, 14. Father of mankind, 19. His portrait, 82. His purity, 93. His interview with M. on the night of the Ascension, or night journey, 208

Adhân, or call to prayers, 697, note 408

Adâs, the Christian boy from Nineveh meets M. at Tâif, 202. His opinion about M., 290

Adâs, the monk consulted by Khodaijah about M.’s first revela­tions, 145. Acknowledges M. as a prophet, 146

A’dy B. Hâttim Tiây and his sister, their affairs with M., 643-646

Ahmed, a designation of M., 12; note 22; 65, 99

A’kâbah [A’qâbah], xvii. First homage at —, 222. Second 226, 227. Terms arranged, 227-230

Akramah B. Abu Jahl, a Qoraish chief, 453, 596, 609-613

Akydar B. A’bd-ul-malik, his story, 656, 657

Al-Amin, the Trustworthy or Faithful, a title of M., xv., 132.

A’li B. Abu Tâleb or Ttâleb, xv., xix., xxiv., 50, 54. The second convert to Islâm, 85, 149. Adopted by M., 151. Professes Islâm, 151, 152. Sleeps in M.’s bed on the night the Qoraish went to kill the prophet, 235. Joins M. at Qobba, 249. Marries Fattimah, M.’s daughter, 269-273. Sent to reconnoitre before Bedr, 298. What he does at the battle of Bedr, 313, 314, 319. His bravery at Ohod, 375, 379-384; and at the siege of Madinah, 454-456. Sent against the Bani Qoryttah, 470. Writes the treaty of peace at Hodaybiah, 507-509. His bravery at Khayber, 542-545. The sun turned back for him, 554. Goes on the expedition against Mekkah, 583, 600. At Honain, 620, 621, 625. At Tâif, 628, 629. Sent to destroy idols, 630. Again sent, 643. Left at Madinah during Tabuk cam­paign, 654. Victorious at Wâdy-urraml, 665, 666. Goes on pil­grimage to Mekkah by order of M. to preach certain things, xxii., 672-675. Sent by M. on an expedition to Yemen, xxiii., 679-682. Advises the Najrân Chris­tians how to act, 688. With M. on the pilgrimage of valediction, 695, 698-700. Ordered to go on the second Syrian expedition, 702. His doings during M.’s last illness, 707, 713, 716, 717, 720, 726; and after M.’s death, 729, 732-737

Ali Shir Amir of Hirat, 19, note 39

Allah [God], His various designa­tions, xii., 16, 17

Alms-gatherers of M., 792

Amanuenses of M., 791, 792

Aminah, mother of M., xiv. Her betrothal to A’bdullah, 22. Her marriage, 25. Events and signs before the birth of M., 85, 86; and on his birth, 87-92. Halimah engaged as wet-nurse, 109. The child returned to his mother, 116, 117. Her death, 117

A’mmar or O’mmar Yâser, 251, 252, 658

A’mru A’ass or Amru B. Al A’ass, his mission to Abyssinia to demand the surrender of the refugees, 172. His quarrel with his colleague, 173. His inter­view with the Najjâshi and his arguments, 173-177. His con­version, xxi., 561, 563. Com­mands an expedition, 564-566. Defeated at Wâdy-urraml, 664-666

A’mru B. A’bdud, his fight with A’li at Madinah and death, 452-457

A’mru B. Asad, uncle of Khodaijah, 129, 130

A’mru B. Hâreth, the Jorhamite, 29, 31

A’mru B. Heshâm (see Abu Jahl or Abu-l-Hukm), note 254

A’mru B. Ma’dy, Story of, 682-684

A’mru B. Ommyah, Story of, 415-417. Sent as envoy to the Najâshi, 517, 518

Anssâr, The, i.e., helpers or auxili­aries, xviii., 218, note 207. Blessed by M., 251. The knot of fraternity tied with the Mohâjer, 260. Wish to fight before Bedr, 297. Their banners at Bedr, 310. Assist with money the Tabuk campaign, 653. Ordered to go on second expedition to Syria, 702. M.’s last words to them, 714, 718. Claim admis­sion to see M.’s body after his death, 732. Pray by it, 735, note 478

Appendix A.: Details about the family of M. and his dependents, 761-795

Appendix B.: List of Muhammadan months, 796

Appendix C.: Genealogical table of M.’s ancestors, 797

Arafat, near Mekkah, 695, 698

Asaa’d B. Zarârah, a chief of the Khazraj tribe from Madinah, who greatly assisted M., 220-225. Speaks at A’qâbah, 227, 228. His death, 252

Asâmah B. Zaid ordered to com­mand the second Syrian expedi­tion, his father having been killed in the first, 702. Is starting, when he hears of M.’s illness, 703. Helps to wash and shroud M.’s body, 732, 733

Ascension, The, or night journey, xvii., 206-216

Asmâ, the foster-sister of M., well treated after Honain, 627, 628

Astrology, 100, 101

Aswad B. I’sa, the false prophet, 679, 701, 702

Asyd B. Khadzyr, 379, 592

A’zrayil, the angel of death, 710, 723, 724, 727, 728, 745, 746


Bâdân, Governor of Yemen, 525-528, 679

Bahira, the Christian hermit in Syria, his interview with M., and prophecies about him, 120-123, note 122

Bani Awus, The, xvii., 220. Three men selected from this tribe to carry out the A’qâbah covenant, 230

Bani Bakr, The, 28, 29. Join the Qoraish after the treaty of Hodaybiah, xx., 508. Attack the Bani Khozaah, 574-576. Assisted by the Qoraish, who thus broke the treaty, which brought about M.’s expedition against Mekkah, 575

Bani Ghuttfân, The, 255, 450, 452, 535

Bani Hoâzân, The, xxii., 619, 620, 628, 638

Bani Hozaymah, The, massacred, 615-617

Bani Khazraj, The, xvii., 219-222. Nine men selected from them to carry out the A’qâbah covenant, 230

Banio Khozaa’h, The, join M. after the treaty of Hodaybiah, xx., 508. Attacked by the Bani Bakr and others, which led to the expedition against Mekkah, 573-576

Bani Mossttalaq, The expedition against, xx., 426-429

Bani Natzyr, The, xix. Their treaty with M., 255, 256. Expedition against them, xix., 417-421. Stir up the Qoraish against M., 442; and agree to fight with them, 443. Send envoy to the Bani Qoryttah, 447

Bani Qaynuqaa’, The, xix. Their covenant with M., 255. The expedition against them, 353-356

Bani Qoryttah, The, xx. Their covenant with M., 255. Consent to fight with the Qoraish against M., 447, 448. M. sends envoys to them, 448. Na’ym B. Masu’d intrigues with them, 458-461. Are attacked by M., 470-474; defeated, 474; and massacred, 476-480

Bani Qurdah, The, expedition against, 488-490

Bani Sa’ad, The, xiv. The tribe among whom M. was brought up, 105-110

Bani Solym, or Salym, The, 582, 583, 591, 616, 621

Bani Tamym, The, expedition against them, 641. Their chiefs come to M., 641. Their case settled, 642, 643

Bani Thaqif, The, xxii., 617, 618, 631

Bara Moa’wiah calamity, 414-416

Baqyi’ cemetery, 704, 705, 735, 770-772, 774, 776

Bedr, Battle of, xix., 281. The march there, 282-285. Arrival, 302, 303. Account of it, 312-330. The wonderful events which happened during it, 320-322. Number of slain, 323

Bellâl or Ballâl, the first Mued­dhin, or caller to prayers, 256, note 229; 560, 589, 699, 719, 793; note 477

Berât, The Surah, chapter ix. of the Qurân, 673-675

Betûl [the Virgin], name applied to Fattimah Zohrâ, daughter of M., 784, 785, note 469

Biographies of M., ix., notes 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21

Birth of M., Events before and after, 85-100

Bokhari, the traditionist, x., 573

Borâq, the steed of all the prophets, 207

Borydah B. Alhassyb goes with A’li to Yemen, 681. A tradition of his, 682. Sent to M., 684, 685

Brotherhood at Madinah, 260, 261

Buddha, x.

Burydah B. Alkhadzib, Story about, 246, 247


Catechism, Muhammadan, 14

Christians of Najrân, their deal­ings with M., 686-692

Climate of Madinah, 260

Collectors of legal alms appointed, 640. Their difficulties, 641. Their names, 792

Concubines of M., 777, 778

Covenant of A’qabah, 222, 230

Covenant of the Factions, 124

Covenant of M. with certain Jew­ish tribes, 255, 256

Covenant of the Qoraish to excom­municate M., his family and tribes, 186. Lasted three years, 187. How annulled, 187-190

Covenant of the Tree, 502, 504

Converts to Islâm, xv., xvi., xvii., xxi., 85, 149, 150, 178, 337, 588


Dahyah Kalby, the envoy to the Emperor Heraclius, 517, 518, 520

Daûd [David], his Psalms, 65. His portrait, 83. His voice, 93

Daughters of M., 779-791

David, xii. His Psalter, 14. See Daûd

Deputations to M., 666, note 390. See Wofûd

Dharya’h B. Thâbet, the hypocrite, 658

Dujjâl, The, or Antichrist, 698, note 412

Dhu-l-hejjah, twelfth Muhammadan month, note 396; 695, 796

Dhu-l-qa’dah, eleventh Muhammadan month, 639, 796

Dhu-n-nuryn or Zhu-n-nuryn, xvi., 148; note 154; 430, 437, 702, See O’thmân B. O’ffan

Ditch, War of the, at Madinah, 442. See Ghazwah of

Dream of A’atikah, sister of Abbâs, 285, 289; of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 29, 48; of Hinda, wife of Abu Sofiân B. Harb, 575; of Jahym, B. Ssalt, 292; of M. before Ohod, 370, at Tâif, 629; of Murtad, 71; of Rabia’h, 74, 75; of Ssamssam, 287

Dreams, About, 46, 47

Dzakat [legal alms], 560, 604, 669, 792, note 476


Ebn Abbas. See A’bdullah B. Abbas

Ebn Esahâq, the historian, 2, 6. His biography of M., notes 5 and 12. His statement about Abu Taleb’s conversion, 198

Ebn Jauzy, author of the Tanfyh, 782, 791, 794

Ebn Kathir, 216

Ebn Khanttal, Story of, 604, 605,

Ebn Zabary pardoned, 608

Ebrâhim [Abraham], an inspired prophet, 19. Builds the Ka’bab, 28. Appeared in a dream to A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 48. Ancestor of the Arabs, 58, 60. His pic­ture, 82. His friendship, 93. His interview with M., 209, 210

Ebrâhim, son of M., born, xxii., 640. Dies, 700, 701. Details about him, 778, 779

Eclipse of the sun, 701. M.’s remarks on it, 701

Edris [Enoch], an inspired prophet, 19. His interview with M., 209

Egypt, Envoy and letter sent to, 517

Ehrâm, or pilgrim’s garb, 493, 639, 693, 698, notes 329, 376

Elephant, The white, called Mah­mûd, 34, 37

Emam Ja’fer Ssâdiq, 733, 739, 784, 787

Emigration to Abyssinia, 170-172, 177

Enjil [Evangel or Gospel], xii. Sent to I’sa [Jesus], 14, 64, 65, 127

Eqâmet, or extra call to prayers, 696; note 405, 697

Esahâq [Isaac], his portrait, 83. His nature, 93

Esma’il [Ishma el], an inspired prophet, 19. Found by the Jorhamites at the well, 27. Helped Abraham to build the Ka’bah, 28. Chief of Mekkah, 28. The Arabs his descendants, 58, 60, 61. His portrait, 83. His eloquence, 93. Visits M. when dying, 723

Evil-eye, The, 454, note 316

Excommunication of M. and his family, etc., by the Qoraish, 186-190


Fadak, The peace of, 552, 553

Farûq, the Discerner, a name given to O’mar Al-Khattâb, 64, note 65. See O’mar

Fâtehah, The, first chapter of the Qurân, 694

Fattimah of Syria, her journey to meet A’bdullah, the father of M., 22-25

Fattimah Zohrâ, daughter of M., comes to Madinah, 252. Married to A’li B. Abu Tâleb, xix., 269-273. Tends her father’s wound after Ohod, 404. Deed given her after the peace of Fadak, 553. Attends M. in his last ill­ness, 711, 712, 717-720, 724, 725, 728. Her grief at M.’s death, 745-748. Details about her, 783-791. Her death, 788

Fazl, second son of A’bbas B. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 51

Flight of the companions and pro­fessors of Islâm from Mekkah to Madinah, 232. Departure of M. and Abu Bakr, 237. Events of first year of the, xviii., 247-261; of second year, xix., 267-357; of third year, xix., 357-408; of fourth year, xix., 408-424; of fifth, sixth, and seventh years, xx., xxi., 424-561; of eighth year, xxi., 561-640; of ninth and tenth years, xxii., xxiii., 640-701; of eleventh year, xxiii., 701-738

Freed men of M., 793, 794

Freed women of M., 794, 795

Friday service appointed, 256


Gabriel, The angel, xv. See Jeb­râil

Genealogy and pedigree of M., 19, 54-62, 797

Genealogical table of M.’s ancestors, 797

Ghazwah or Ghaza, the name given to war expeditions in which M. himself took part, 274. His first —, 275. The lesser — of Bedr, 277. The greater — of Bedr, 281-330. The — of the Bani Qaynuqaa’, 353-356; of Sawyq, 356; of Qarqarah Akdar, 357, 358; of the Bani Tha’lebah, 364-366; of Ohod, 366-405; of Hamrâ Alasad, 406-408; of the Bani An-Natzyr, 417-421; of the Bedr of promise, 421-424; of Dhatu-r-raqaa, 424, 425; of Dumatu-j-jandal, 425, 426; of Rabyi, 426-429; of the Ditch or siege of Madinah, 442-464; of the Bani Qoryttah, 469-480; of the Bani Ttayân, 485, 486; of the Bani Qurdah, 488-490; of Khayber, 532-549; of Wâdy-l-qara, 554, 555; of Dhât-assilasil, 564; of Mowtah [M. not in this expedition], 566-570; of Mekkah, 582-598; of Honayn, 617-628; of Ttâyf, 628-630; of Tabuk, 650-656, note 479

Gospel, The, 14. See Enjil

Grave of M., 735, 737


Habbab B. Mundher consulted before Bedr, 300; digs a tank there, 301; reconnoitres before Ohod, 369; fights at Khayber, 540

Habîb-us-Siyar, Extracts from the, 761-795

Hâfez Abru, the historian, 327, 383, 769

Hafssah, daughter of O’mar, and fourth wife of M., xix., 366. Her dispute with M. about Mâryah, the Copt, 646-648. Details about her and her family, 770, 771

Hâilah, wife of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, and mother of Hamzah, the martyr, 25

Hajâr [Hagar], mother of Ishmael, 27

Hajjaj B. Khulâss embraces Islâm, 549. Secures his property at Mekkah, 550, 551

Hajjatu-l-Wodaa’, or pilgrimage of valediction, 692-700, 767

Hakym B. Huzam, a Qoraish chief, tries to prevent fighting before Bedr, 305, 308, 309. His flight from Bedr, 305, 340. His con­version to Islâm, 340, 341. His doings during the Mekkah expedition, 585, 594, 595

Halimah or Halymah, the nurse of M., xiv., 105-116, 627

Hamzah, also called Abu O’mmarah, ninth son of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 50, 51. His conversion to Islâm, xvi., 178, 179. His bravery, 196, 306. How he fought at Bedr, 313, 314; and at Ohod, 396. Is killed there, 396, 397. His burial, 405

Hanattah, the Hemiarite, 35

Hanttalah B. Abu Ameer, his story, 386. Killed at Bedr, 386. Washed by angels, 387

Hâreth B. Abu Shammâr, Governor of Syria, 517, 529

Hâreth, eldest son of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 49

Hâreth, fifth son of Abbâs B. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 51

Harqal [Heraclius], the Byzantine Emperor, 79-84. Envoy sent to him by M., 517-524. His con­versation with Abu Sofian B. Harb, 521-523

Harûn [Aaron], his interview with M., 209

Hâshem, son of A’bd Munâf, 19. His marriage and death, 26, 55. Why called Hâshem, 54, note 60. An ancestor of M., 19, 797

Hâttub B. Abu Multaah sent as envoy to Governor of Alexandria, 517, 528, 529. Warns the Qoraish about the expedition to Mekkah, 580. The result, 581, 582

Haudah B. Hanfy, Governor of Yamanah, 517, 530

Hay B. Akhttâb, a chief of the Bani Natzyr, 256, 419, 442, 447, 448

Hayâr B. Alaswad attacks Zaynab, daughter of M., 347, 348. Is pardoned at Mekkah, 607

Hegira, or year of the Flight. See Flight

Hejâba, or office connected with the keys and control of the Ka’bah, notes 64 and 366

Hejaz, Country of, 35, 136

Hemiar, Tribe of, 35, 39

Hind or Hinda, wife of Abu Sofian B. Harb, and mother of Moa’wiah, goes to Ohod, 368. At the battle, 378. Rewards the slave Wohshy for killing Hamzah, whose liver she chews, 396, 397. Abuses her husband for his failure in negotiations at Madinah, 579. Professes Islâm, 613

Hira, Mount, xv., 134, 140, 204

Hodaybiah, Treaty of, xx., 492, 505-509

Hodhayl B. Warqâ, a Qoraish chief, 496, 497, 585, 594, 595

Honain or Honayn, Battle of, xxii., 620-626. Spoils afterwards distributed, 632-638

Hormuzd, the leader along with Saif of an expedition from Persia to Abyssinia, 39-41

Horoscope of M., 100, 102, 103

Hûd [Heber], an inspired prophet, 19

Hughes, Rev. J. P., the missionary, 1; note 29; 796

Husain or Husayn, son of Ali B. Abu Tâleb, 578, 717, 725, 789


Ibn Athir, the historian, ix.

Ibn Hisham, the historian, ix., x.

Ibn Ishâk, the historian, ix., x. See Ebn Esahâq

Idols, Destruction of, 599, 615, 628, 630, 643, 677

Imprecation, Verse of, 686, 689; note 399; 690, 691

Insiders [Battâh], alluding to sites assigned to the Qoraish within Mekkah by Qossai, 56

Inspired books, Notices from, about M., 63-68

I’sa [Jesus], his prediction of the advent of M., 12; note 22; 144. His breath, 43. His gospel, 14, 64, 65. His portrait, 83. His kindness, 93. The law descended to him, 141. What Amru A’ass said about him to the Najâshi, 176. The reply, 177. His birth­place, 208. His interview with M. on the night journey, 209. Declared an apostle, 582. M. alludes to him with reference to A’li, 666. Questions about him, 688, 689

Ishmael, 19. See Esma’il

Islâm, Future of, 4. First con­verts to, xv., xvi., 84, 85

Izâr, or loin-cloth, 132; note 130; 692


Jaber B. Abdullah the Anssari, Tradition of, 466, 467

Jabru, a Christian slave, 2

Jacob, xii. See Ya’qûb

Ja’far or Ja’fer, son of Abu Tâleb, 50. Adopted by Abbâs, 151. Blessed by M., 153; and called the Flying Ja’far, 153. Addresses the Najâshi in Abys­sinia in favour of the emigrants there, 174-176. Returns from Abyssinia, 553. Killed at Mow­tah, 567-570. Given wings in Paradise, 571. Distress of his family at his death, 572, 573. M. comforts them, 572

Jairah or Jaubaryah, eighth wife of M., xx., 428, 429. Details about her, 774

Jaryr B. A’bdullah, Story of, 676-678

Jebrâil [Gabriel], his first appearance to M. 6. Appears again, 7. Originates the well Zamzam, 29. His coming to M. and reciting the signs, etc., 140-143. Takes him during one night to Jerusalem, 206-208; and on to heaven, 208-216. Guards A’li when in M.’s bed at Mekkah, 235. Descends after the peace of Fadak with a message, 553. Visits M. when dying, 722, 727, 746, 747

Jesus, x., xii. See I’sa

Jewish tribes at Madinah enter into a covenant with M., 255, 256

Jews ask questions of M., 252, 253

Jews of the Bani Natzyr, 417-421

Jews of the Bani Qaynuqaa’, 353-356

Jews of the Bani Qoryttah, 469-480

Jews of Khayber, 532-549

Job, xii.

Jorhamites, The, 28-30

Joseph, xii. See Yusuf

Journey of M. to Jerusalem and heaven during the night, 206-216


Ka’bah, The, built by Abraham and Ishmael, 28. Black stone, golden fawns and arms buried, 29. When found, 31; and how dis­posed of, 32. Abrahah, King of Yemen, determines to destroy it, 34. Offices connected with it, 57, note 64. Rebuilt, 131. How built, 132, 133. M. settles the dispute that arose over it, xv., 132, 133. Several times destroyed and rebuilt, 133. Key of it given to O’thman B. T’tolhah by M., 600-602

Ka’b B. Asad, a chief of the Bani Qoryttah, 447, 448

Ka’b B. Ashraf, Murder of, 358-362

Ka’b B. Zoheir, the poet, xxii., 608

Ka’b-ullâkhbâr, 63, note 78; 84. His conversion to Islâm, 685, 686

Kalimat, or profession of the faith, 150, note 157; 179, 182, 197, 224, 225

Khawla, wife of Awus B. Ssâmat, Story of, 530, 531

Khayber, Victory of, xxi., 532-549

Khaled B. Alwolyd at Ohod, 378, 382. His conversion to Islâm, xxi., 561-564. Takes command at Mowtah, 570. Named by M. ‘the sword of God,’ 571. On the expedition against Mekkah, 596-598. Sent to destroy the idol temple of Uzza, 615. Exe­cutes several of the Bani Hozaymah, 616, 617. Takes part in the Tabuk campaign, 655. Sent against Akydar, 656. Captures him, 657. Some mis­understandings with Ali, 683, 684

Khodayfah Al-Yemeni, his story about the siege of Madinah, 462-464

Khodayjah, first wife of M., xvii., 7, 8. The first convert to Islâm, 85, 149. Employs M. as her mercantile agent, 126, 128. Pro­poses to marry him, 129. Mar­riage arranged, 130. Comforts and assures M. on the appearance of the first revelation, 141, 143. Consults Warakah, 141, 144. Also the monk Adâs, 145, 146. Her death, 199. Details about her and her family, 761-765

Khoilad or Khowylad, father of Khodayjah, 125; note 126; 761

Khondemir, author of the Habîb-us-Siyar and grandson of Mirkhond, 761

Khosru Parviz, King of Persia, his admonitions, 156, 157. Envoy sent to him, 517. The result, 524-528, note 346

Kiblah, The, xix. See Qiblah

Koraish, The, xvi.-xviii. See Qoraish

Korân, The, ix.-xiv. See Qurân

Kunânah B. Abu-l-haqyq, chief of Khayber, 533, 535, 537. Exe­cuted, 547


Lote-tree, 210, 718

Lytton, Lord, extract from his speech to Muhammadans at Ali­gurh in 1877, 4, 5


Madinah, xiii. Inhabitants of—, belonging to the Khazraj tribe, come to Mekkah and make M.’s acquaintance, xvii., 219 - 222. Arrange for him to come to —, 226-230. Receive him with acclamation, xviii., 247, 248. News of Bedr victory, how received, 343, 344. Siege of —, 444-464, 468

Maimûnah or Maymûnah, eleventh wife of M., xxi. Her marriage, 557, 558. M. falls sick in her house, 707. Details about her and her family, 776, 777

Majaryq, the Jew, fights at Ohod, 393, 394. Is killed in the battle, 394. Leaves all his property to M., 394; who said he was the best of Jews, 394

Mâlek B. A’wuf, chief of the Bani Hoâzân, 617-620, 622, 626, 628. Is converted to Islam, 638

Mâlek, the angel in charge of hell, 214, note 205

Maqaf, or standing place in A’rafat, 696, note 406; 697

Maqoqush, Governor of Alex­andria, envoy sent to him, 517. The result, 528, 529, 777

Mâriah or Mâryah, the Coptic maid, xxi., 529, 646, 647, 777, 778

Mariam or Maryam [Mary], the mother of Jesus, xi., 12, note 22; 209

Martyrdom of Habib and Zayd, 411, 412

Masruq, son of Abrahah, King of Yemen, 39-41

Masu’di’s ‘Meadows of Gold,’ note 296

Mekkah, xiii. People of —, prepare to go out to defend the expected caravan, 287, 288. Receipt of news of the Bedr defeat, 341, 342. M. proposes to go there on pilgrimage, 492-494; but refused, and treaty of Hodaybiah made instead, 505, 508. M.’s expedition against, xxii., 582-603. Persons killed there by M.’s orders, 604-613

Mikâil or Mykâyl [Michael], the angel, 206, 215, 235, 710, 746

Miracles of M., x., 467, 468, 496, 659-664, 748-759

Mirkhond, the author of this work, ix., 761

Mission to the Najâshi of Abys­sinia, 172-176

Moa’adh B. Jabal, Story of, 740-748. Visits A’aishah, 744; and Fattimah, 745

Moa’wiah, son of Sofian B. Harb, the first Ommayide Khalifah, note 2. His enmity to A’li, 56. His genealogical table, 797

Mohâjer, The, or refugees or exiles, xviii., note 225. Blessed by M., 251. The knot of fraternity tied with the Anssâr, 260. Their banner at Bedr, 310. Give money to the Tabuk campaign, 653. Ordered to go on Syrian expedition with Asâmah B. Zaid, 702. M.’s last words to them, 714, 718. Pray by his body, 735, note 478

Months, Muhammadan, 796

Moses, xxii. See Mûsa

Moseylamah, the false prophet, xxiii., 324, note 268; 401, 678, 679, 701, 702

Mossa’b B. Omayrah sent by M. to Madinah to teach the Qurân, xvii., 223. Makes converts there, 224, 225. Reports the result, 225

Mothers of the Mussalmâns, title given to all the wives of M., 577, note 360

Mowtab, Battle of, xxi., 569-571. Second expedition ordered there, xxiii., 702

Muedhdhin, The, or caller to prayers, 256; note 229; 257, 793, note 477

Muhammad B. Moslamah arranges the murder of K’ab B. Alashraf, 359. At Ohod, 379. Sent to the Bani Natzyr, 419

Muhammad B. Saad, Wâqidi’s sec­retary, ix.

Muhammad Ebn Esahâq, 327, 348, 349, 383. See Ebn Esahâq

Muhammad the apostle, two biographies of him in English, ix. About his miracles, x. Monotheist and reformer, xi. His ideas and work, xii. His departure from Mekkah to Madinah, xiii. Principal events of his life arranged chronologically, xiv.-xxiii. Allusions to him in translator’s preface, 1-15. His pedigree, 19. His father’s good qualities, 20. His advent fore­told, 43, 44. His name, 45. His grandfather’s love for him, xiv., 52; and death, 53. Taken charge of by his uncle, Abu Tâleb, 54, 56. His genealogies and relation­ships, 54-62. Notices from inspired books about him, 63-68. His portrait, 82. Stories about his birth, 85-100. His horo­scope, 102-104. His suckling and bringing up by Halimah, 104-111. Scission of his breast, 112, 113. His return with Hali­mah to Mekkah, 114; who loses him there, 115. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb finds him, 116. His life from four to thirteen, 116-119. His mother’s death, 117. His guardian A’bd-ul-Muttalleb’s death, 119. Abu Tâleb takes charge of him, 119. His life from thir­teen to twenty - five, 119-125. His first trip to Syria, 119. His adventures there with the hermit Bahira, 120-123. His second trip to Syria as Khodaijah’s agent, 126-128. His marriage to Khodaijah, 129, 130. Decides the dispute among the Qoraish at the rebuilding of the Ka’bah, 132, 133. Hears voices and sees lights, 134. Retires to Mount Hira for contemplation and adoration, 134, 135. His inter­view with Jebrâil and the descent of the revelation in his forty-first year, 140-147. Adopted Ali, son of Abu Tâleb, at the time of a famine, 151. For three years secretly invited the people to accept Islâm, and after that openly, 158. Is persecuted by Abu Lahab and others, 161-165. Protected by Abu Tâleb, 164; but his followers perse­cuted, 164. Consents to the departure of some of them to Abyssinia, 170. His mistaken utterances in favour of the gods of the Qoraish, 171. Much approved by the latter, 171; but rescinded by order of Jebrâil, 171, 172. Much pleased with Hamzah’s and O’mar’s conversion to Islâm, 179, 183. His interview with Abu Tâleb on his death-bed, 195, 197. Attends his funeral, 199. Kho­daijah, his first wife, dies, 199. Goes to Tâif on his mission, but fails, 201. His prayer, 202. Goes to the valley of Nakhlah, 203. Converts the genii there, 203, 204. Returns to Mekkah, 205. Marries his second wife Sowdah, 205. His night journey to Jerusalem and ascension to heaven, 206-216. Relates the same to the Qoraish, 216. Gives particulars about Jerusalem and of caravans and people met on the road, 217; which are after­wards confirmed, 218. Meets six inhabitants of Madinah of the tribe Khazraj, 219-221; who first came to Mekkah to get aid from the Qoraish against the tribe of Awus, who had defeated them, 220-222. First meeting at A’qâbah with the twelve men from Madinah, 222. Sends Mos­sa’b to Madinah to teach the Qurân, etc., 223. Converts made there, 224, 225. Second meet­ing at Aq’âbah, 226. The terms arranged there, 227-230. Leaves Mekkah with Abu Bakr for the cave Thor, 237-240. Leaves the cave Thor, and adventures on the road to Madinah, 240-247. Arrived at Madinah, and what happened there during the first year of the Flight, 248-261. Builds the first mosque at Qobba on his way to Madinah, 249. Goes to Madinah, 250. His prayer on arrival, 250. Stays at Abu Ayûb the Anssâri’s house, and lays the foundation of a mosque, 251. His wife Sowdah joins him, 252. Answers the questions of certain Jews, 252, 253. Makes a covenant with certain Jewish tribes, 255, 256. Consummates his marriage with A’aishah, his third wife, 259. Marries his daughter Fattimah to A’li B. Abu Tâleb, 269-273. Description of ‘Ghazwah’ and ‘Seriah,’ 274. Certain military expeditions, 274-279. About the battle of Bedr, both before and after, 281-330. Curses some of the Qoraish, 295. Shelter or stage prepared for him before the battle of Bedr, 303. Leaves the shelter, 312, 318. Throws gravel upon the infidels, 319. Divides the spoil after Bedr, 331-333. How he treats the captives after the battle, 333-339. Orders Nassar and Otbah to be exe­cuted, 338, 339. Triumphal return to Madinah, 345, 346. Inter­view with O’mayr B. Wohob, who came to Madinah to kill him, 350, 351. Marches against the Bani Qaynuqaa’, 354; defeats them, 354-356. Sanctions the murder of K’ab B. Alashraf, 359-362; and of Abu Râfi, 362-364. Marries his daughter Omm Kalthûm to O’thmân B. O’ffan, 366. He himself marries Hafs­sah, the daughter of O’mar, and Zaynab, the daughter of Khod­haymah, his fourth and fifth wives, 366. Preparations for the Ghazwah of Ohod, 369-374. What happened at the battle of Ohod, 375-400. Is wounded, 385; and reported killed, 386 Tended by Fattimah, his daugh­ter, 404. Buries Hamzah and the other martyrs after Ohod, 405. Returns to Madinah, 405. Marches to Hamrâ Alasad, 407. Orders Sofyân B. Khaled to be murdered, 413. Expedition against the Bani Natzyr, 417-420. Marries his sixth wife, Omm Solmah, 421. Expedition against the Bani Mossttalaq, 426-429. Marries his eighth wife, Jarirah, 429. Disputes between the Anssâr, the Mohâjer, and A’bdullah Bin Abu Salûl, the hypocrite, 429-433. His trouble about A’aishah, 435-439. Declares her innocent, 440. Punishes her slanderers, 441. Prepares to defend Madinah against the Qoraish and other tribes, 444-446. Sends envoys to the Bani Qoryttah, 448, 449. Defends Madinah by digging a ditch, 444, 450. Rejects the proposal of the Bani Ghattafân and Bani Qorârah, 450-452. Fight before Madinah, 452-458. Accepts Na’ym’s offer to sow discord between the Qoraish and the Qoryttah, 459. Predicts that the Qoraish would not attack them again after their flight from Madinah, 464. Attacks the Bani Qoryttah, 469-474. Defeats them, and orders S’ad B. Moadh to settle their fate, 475. On his decision all the men of the tribe are killed, 476-480. Converts an Arab sent by Abu Sofiân to assassinate him, 481, 482. Sends two men to Mekkah to kill Abu Sofiân, 482, 483. Attacks the Bani Ttayân, 486. Visits his mother’s tomb, 486. His milk - camels stolen, 488. Pursues the Bani Qurdah, 489. Prays for rain, 490-492. Intended visit to Mekkah for the pilgrimage and treaty of Hoday­biah instead, 492-514. Stops Abu Bassyr’s plundering of the caravans, 516. His ring and seal engraved, 517. Sends envoys to the kings and governors of that time, 517-530. Goes to Khayber, 532. Campaign and victory there, 532-549. Is nearly poisoned by Zaynab, daughter of the Jew Hâreth, 547, 548. Marries Ssofyah, the widow of Kunânah, 547, 553. Goes to Mekkah on pilgrimage for three days, 555-558. Marries May­mûnah, the eleventh and last wife, 557, 558. Awards the guardianship of Omm Ommârah to Ja’fer, 559. Much pleased at Khaled B. Alwolyd’s conversion, 564. Sends Amru B. Ala’ass to command an expedition, 564. What he tells him afterwards, 565, 566. Sends an expedition to Syria, 566, 567. Hears early news of the disaster there, 570, 571. His kindness to Ja’fer’s widow and children, 572-574. His early information about the fighting between the Bani Bakr, aided by the Qoraish, and the Bani Khozaa’h, his allies, 576. Determines to help the latter, 576. Prepares an expedition against Mekkah, 580. Story of the expedition and matters connected with it, 582 - 617. Marches against the Bani Hoâzân and Bani Thaqyf, 619, 620. Fights and wins the battle of Honain, 620-626. Besieges Tâif, 628-630. Frees slaves during the siege, 629. His dream, 629. Raises the siege, 630. Distributes the spoils of Honain at Joghrânah, 632 - 638. Goes to Mekkah on the lesser pilgrimage, and returns to Madinah, 639. His son Ebrâhim born, 640. Appoints collectors of legal alms, 640. Disputes with the Bani Tamym settled, 641-643. Con­verts A’dy B. Hâttim, 644-646. Dispute with his wives about Mâryah, the Coptic slave girl, 646-649. Goes on the Tabuk campaign, 650 - 656. Receives deputations [Wofûd] from vari­ous tribes at Madinah, 666-670. Visits Ebn Abu Salûl on his death - bed, 671. Attends his funeral, 671, 672. Receives more deputations, 675-678. His corre­spondence with Moseylamah, the liar, 578, 679. Sends A’li on an expedition to Yemen, 679-682. His dealings with the Christians of Najrân, 686-692. Goes on the pilgrimage of valediction, and his doings there, 692-700. His son Ebrâhim dies, 700. Revolt of cer­tain false prophets, 701, 702. Fits out another expedition to Syria under Asâmah B. Zaid, 702, 703. Is taken ill, 702. Illness increases, 703. Goes to pray at the Baqyi’ cemetery, 704, 705. His last prayers in the mosque, 706, 715, 716. His sayings and doings during his last illness, 705-726. His death, 727-731. His wash­ing and shrouding, 731-735. His burial, 736-738. About the date of his death and age, 739, 740. Details about his wives, concu­bines, children, amanuenses, alms-gatherers, freed men and women, 761-795. His genealogical table, 797

Muir, Sir William, ix., xiv.; notes 10, 126, 400

Murder of Abu Râfi, xx., 362-364

Murder of K’ab B. Ashraf, xix., 358-362

Murder of O’ssmâ, the Jewess, xix., 352, 353

Murder of Sofyan B. Khaled, xix., 413, 414

Murtad, a king in Arabia, Story of, 71-74

Murtaza or Murtadza, ‘the Select,’ a name applied to A’li B. Abu Tâleb, 149. See A’li.

Musa [Moses], the law which came to him, 8, 14, 141. Hisintrepidity, 43. Resemblance between him and M., 63. His portrait, 82. Words revealed to him, 64, 176. His interview with M., 209

Mussttafa, a name frequently applied to M.

Muttalleb, brother of Hâshem and uncle of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 25, 26, 55, 797


Nahyah B. Jundal, in charge of the camels to be sacrificed, 493, 494, 693

Najâshi or Najjâshy, The, King of Abyssinia, embassy and mes­senger sent to him by Abrahah, 33, 34. Is told about the Ababil birds, 38. The Qoraish send a mission to request him to sur­render the refugees, 174. Hears the arguments of both sides, 174-176. Keeps the refugees and dismisses the mission, 177. Story of how he came to the throne, 177, 178. Envoy sent to him by M., 517. The result, 518

Najd, some tribes of, kill the Musalmans, 415, 416

Najrân, Christians of, their inter­view and treaty with M., 686-692

Nakhlah, Valley of, near Mekkah, 203. Genii accept the religion there, 203, 204

Nâmûs, or law, 8; note 16; 141

Nasttûr, the monk, his interview with M., 127

Nasybah, daughter of Ka’b, fights with her husband and sons at Ohod, 400. Her story, 400-402

Naushirwân, King of Persia, assists Saif Zu Yazan to attack Abyssinia, 39, 40. Events that befell him on the night of M.’s birth, 89, 90, 91. About his palace at Madâin, note 106. His death, 119

Na’ym B. Masu’d, 422. Goes to M. and makes his profession of faith, 458. Offers to cause a rupture between the Qoraish and the Bani Qoryttah, 459; and succeeds, 459-461

Night journey, The, xvii., 206-216. See Ascension

Noah, xii. See Nûh

Nubiah, wet-nurse of M., 104; and slave girl of Abu Lahab, who frees her, 104, 105

Nûh [Noah], inspired prophet, 19. His dignity, 43. His appearance in a dream, 48. His portrait, 82. His strength, 93


Obaydah B. Alhâreth, one of M.’s first combatants at Bedr, 313. Is wounded and dies, 314

Ohod, Battle of, xix., 325, 336, 366-400

Okatz, xv.

O’mar Bin Al-Khattâb, the second Khalifah, xxi., xxiv., 3. His genealogy and family, 59. Named Farûq, i.e., the Discerner, note 65, 64. His conversion to Islâm, xvi., 179-184. His courage and power, 196. Speaks to M. about Abu Bakr marrying Fattimah, daughter of M., 269. Supports the proposal to fight at Bedr, 296. His opinion about the treatment of the captives there, 333-337. His suspicions about O’mayr B. Wohob, 350. His disgust at the treaty of peace at Hodaybiah, and his conversations with M. on the subject, 509-511, 513. Fights at Khayber, 541. Wants to kill Abu Sôfian at Mara-Al-tzahrân, 587, 588; at Honain, 620; at Tâif, 630. Visits M. at the time of the quarrel with the wives about Mâryah the Copt, 647, 648. His generosity to the funds of the Tabuk campaign, 652; in which he takes part and advises M., 655. Defeated at Wâdy-urraml, 664. Ordered to go on the second Syrian expedition with Asâmah B. Zaid, 702. Told not to hold prayers in the mosque, 721. Denies that M. is dead, 729, 730. Rebuked by Abu Bakr for this, 730, 731

O’mayr B. A’dy kills O’ssmâ, the Jewess, 352, 353

O’mayr B. Wohob Hajmy, his pro­posal to kill M., 349. What happened, 350. His conversion, 351

Omm, notes 43, 446

O’mmârah B. Wolid, the story of his mission to the Najâshi, and what happened, 172, 173

Omm Habybah, ninth wife of M., details about her, 774, 775

Omm Hâni, daughter of Abu Tâleb, 50, 206, 212

Omm Jamil, wife of Abu Lahab, 50, note 57

Omm Kalthûm, daughter of M. and wife of O’thmân B. O’ffan, 336. Details about her, 779, 781

Omm Moa’bdah, The story of, and the sheep, 243-245

Omm Solmah, sixth wife of M., xx., 421, 494. Her advice to M. at Hodaybiah, 511, 512. Details about her and her family, 771, 772

O’mmyah Bin Khuluf, a Qoraish chief killed at Bedr, his story, 324, 325

O’qail, son of Abu Tâleb, 50, 88, 151, 336

O’tbah Bin Rabia’h, sent by the Qoraish to find out what M. would take to relinquish his mission, 167, 168; but fails, 168. His attempts before Bedr to pre­vent fighting, 306-310. Fights at Bedr, 312, 313; and is slain, 314

O’thmân Bin Mutta’vun describes the effect of revelation on M., 148. An early convert to Islâm, 150

O’thmân Bin O’ffan or U’ffan, called Dhu-n-nûrin or nûryn, i.e., endued with two lights, the third Khalifah, xvi., xxiv., 148, 149, note 154. His relationship to M., 56. An early convert, 150. Stayed at Madinah with his sick wife Raqyah, daughter of M., before Bedr, 283. She dies, 344. Marries Omm Kal­thûm, another daughter of M., 366. Is sent to Mekkah previous to the treaty of Hodaybiah, 501-504; on the expedition against Mekkah, 593. Intercedes for A’bdullah B. Sa’d, his milk-brother, there, 605, 606. His generosity to the funds of the Tabuk campaign, 652, 653

Othmân Bin Tolhah?? guardian of the Ka’bah, xxi. His conversion to Islam, 563. Receives the key of the Ka’bah, 601, 602

Outsiders [Zoâher] alluding to sites assigned to the Qoraish outside Mekkah by Qossai, 56


Paraclete, The, 13, 65

Pentateuch, The, 14, note 76. See Torathah

Perceval, Caussin de, note 102

Persepolis [Estakhar], 90, note 107

Pilgrimage, M.’s intended, to Mekkah, xx., 492; but stopped at Hodaybiah, 496. — by Divine predestination, xxi., 553-558. The lesser —, xxii., 639. — of valedic­tion, xxiii., 692-700

Pilgrims, administrator of, 67. Food and drink to, note 64

Poet, M. considered a, xvi., 3

Poll-tax or Jazyah, 657, note 386

Prayer flexions, fifty first ordained daily, 211; but reduced to five, 212; altered, 256

Preserved Table, The, 135, note 138

Prophets, Portraits of, 79-83

Psalter, The, or Psalms of David, 14, 65, note 82


Qâsim, son of M., 85; note 96; 417, 778

Qiblah [Kiblah], note 236; 267, 268

Qobba [Koba], mosque of, xviii. Foundations laid, 249. Wall of its Qiblah altered, 268

Qoraish [Koraish], xvi., xviii. Pleased at M.’s mention of their gods, 10, 11. Dispute with A’bd - ul - Muttalleb about the property found in the well Zamzam, 30-32. Their doings at the flight of Abrahah, 38. Rebuild the Ka’bah, 131. Dis­putes which occurred at the time, 132; decided accidentally by M., 133. They insult and persecute him, 162, 163. Request Abu Tâleb to surrender M. to them, 169; which is refused, 170. Ask again, 184; also refused, 185. Form an alliance against M. and his family, 186; which lasts three years, 187. Interview of their leaders with Abu Tâleb on his death-bed about M., 196, 197. Object to the covenant of A’qâbah, 231. Again commence the persecution of the professors of Islâm, 232. Determine to kill M., 233, 234. Go out from Mekkah to fight M., and their adventures, 287-304. Names of the Qoraish chiefs who victualled the troops on the Bedr expedi­tion, 291; and of those present in the battle, 300. Disputes between the chiefs about going forward or returning to Mekkah, 292-294, 305, 307-309. Their defeat at Bedr, 313-328. Prepare to go to Ohod, 367-369. Battle there and victory, 374-402. Pre­pare to attack Madinah, 443, 444. Gain over the Bani Qoryttah, 447, 448. Fight at the ditch before Madinah, 450-457. The Bani Qoryttah desert them, 461. Raise the siege and return to Mekkah, 461, 464. Do not allow M. to come to Mekkah on pilgrimage, 492-504. Treaty of Hodaybiah, 505-509. Surrender Mekkah to M. on his expedition against it, 585-602

Qossai or Qussai, an ancestor of M., 19. His distribution of sites to the Qoraish at Mekkah, 56. The appointment of his sons to various offices, 57. His father, Kallâb’s injunction to him, 58

Quarrel of M. with his wives about Mâryah the Copt, xxii., 646-649

Qurân, the [Koran], Extracts from, 2, 3, 9, 13. No change in it, 14, note 30. First chapter revealed, 140-143, notes 145, 146. Con­stantly mentioned throughout this work


Races between camels and horses, 531

Rain, Prayer for, 490, 491; then to stop it, 491

Rajab, a Muhammadan month, 279; note 247; 690, 796

Rajya’, Calamity at 409-413

Ramadzan, Fast of, made obliga­tory, 260, 267

Raqyah or Rukyab, daughter of M., and wife of O’thmân B. O’ffan, xvi., 344, 748. Details about her, 780, 781

Rayhânah, a concubine of M., 777

Rebuilding of the Ka’bah, 131-133

Rêda [wrapper or shawl], 132; note 133; 491

Refâda, the office of providing the pilgrims with food, note 64

Rehatsek, E., the translator of this work, ix., x., xxiii. His preface, 1-15

Revelation of St. John the Divine, note 202

Revelations, Descent of the, 140-147. How they descended, 147-149

Ring of M., 517

Rodwell, Rev. J. M., his transla­tion of the Korân, 14, notes 48, 135, 146


Sa’ad, or Sa’d, Bin Abu Woqâss, or Woqqâss, an early convert to Islâm, xvi., 150. At Omar’s con­version, 180. Sent on various expeditions, 276 - 280. Recon­noitres before Bedr, 298. Fights at Ohod, 379. Also against the Bani Qoryttah, 472. With the expedition against Mekkah, 583

Sabya’h A’ameryah, Story of, 649. Stoned to death at her own request for adultery, 650. Goes to paradise, 650.

S’ad Bin Abâdah, the Anssâri, at Ohod, 379. With the expedition against Mekkah, 592, 593

Sa’d Bin Moa’adh, his adventure at the war of the ditch, 465. His decision about the Bani Qoryttah, 476. His death, 480

Safar or Ssafar, a Muhammadan month, 690, 796

Sahal and Sahyl, the two orphans whose ground M. purchased for the mosque at Madinah, 251

Saif, son of Zu Zazan, his expe­dition from Persia to Abyssinia, 39, 40. His victory and entry into Sanâ, 41. Receives the Qoraish princes, 42. Tells A’bd-ul-Muttalleb about the advent of M., 43-45. Sattih the soothsayer’s prophecy about Saif, 75

Salmân, the Persian, Story of, 261-267. Advises the fosse to be dug at Madinah, 444, note 310. Works at it, 445, 446

Salytt B. Amru A’amery, the envoy to Yamâmah, 517, 530

Sa’nâ, City of, 33, 41, 46

Sattih, the soothsayer, Story of, 74-77, 91

Sawyq, 310, note 262. Ghazwah of —, 356

Scoffers, The five, story about, 191. All perished in a special manner, 192, 193

Seal of M., 517

Seriah or Sariah, the name of war­like expeditions in which M. sent the companions, but did not go himself, 274. Two recorded, 275; others, 276-279; another, 408; another, 483; another, 485; others, 487, 488. — to the Wady - urraml, 664-666, note 479

Servants, The, of M., 792, 793

Shamûl and Toba’, Story of, 68-70

Shaybah B. O’thman B. Abu Tol­hah tries to kill M. at Honain, 622, 623. Is converted, 623

Shaybah B. Raby’ah, a Qoraish chief, fights at Bedr and is slain, 312-314

Sheth [Seth], an inspired prophet, 19

Shia’hs, The, note 426

Shi’b, The, where Abu Tâleb, M., their tribe and families, took refuge on being excommunicated by the Qoraish, xvii., 185; note 186. What happened there, 185-190

Shoa’ib [Jethro], 65, note 83

Shujaa’ B. Wohb Asdy, the envoy to the Governor of Syria, 517, 529

Shuqrân, the freedman of M., 333, 346, 732, 794

Siddiq or Ssiddiq, cognomen of Abu Bakr, 79, note 90; 84. An early convert, 85, 149, note 156. See Abu Bakr

Siddiqah or Ssiddyqah, name given to A’aishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr. See A’aishah

Sikâia, or office of giving drink to the pilgrims, note 64

Sirât or Sserâtt, The bridge, 14, 719; note 426; 786; note 472

Slander about A’aishah, Story of the, 435-440

Sofyan Bin Khaled, 409, 410. His murder, 414

Sohayl Bin Amru, a Qoraish chief, negotiates with M. the treaty of Hodaybiah, 503-508. His doings during the Mekkan expedition, 596

Solmah, mother of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 26, 55, 248

Sonna, The, 719, note 426

Sowdah or Soadah, second wife of M., xvii., 205. Goes to Madinah, 252. Details about her and her family, 766, 767

Spoils, The, 279; note 248; 280. Division of, after Bedr, 331-333

Sprenger, Dr. A., notes 13, 19, 102, 122, 126, 186, 421

Ssadaqat, or voluntary alms, 792, note 476

Ssafuwân Bin Ommyah, a Qoraish chief, hears the news of the defeat at Bedr, 342. His bargain with O’mayr B. Wohob to kill M., 349. His rage at the latter’s conversion, 352. His doings during the expedition against Mekkah, 596, 607, 608. Lends armour to M., 619

Ssamssam Ghuffâry, his dream before Bedr, 287

Ssofyah, widow of Kunânah marries M., xxi., 547. Marriage consummated, 553. Details about her, 775

Suleiman [Solomon], his por­trait, 83

Sunnis, The, notes 194, 426

Surâqah Bin Mâlek pursues M. and Abu Bakr on their way to Madinah, the story, 241-243

Syed Ameer Ali’s book on M., ix.


Tabari, the historian, ix., 6, 10

Table, The Preserved, 281, note 250

Tabuk, Campaign of, xxii., 650-656. Wonderful events which took place during it, 658-664

Tahâmah, Region of, 156, 204

Tahlyl, The, or shout of ‘Allah! Allah!’ 697, note 410

Tâif or Ttâyf, M. goes there, xvii., 201-203. Besieged, xxii., 628-630, 638

Takbir or Takbyr, The, or shout of ‘Allahu-Akbar’ (Allah the Greatest), 63; note 79; 66, 182, 362, 591, 649, 697

Talabyah, The, 556; note 355; 693

Tarrawiah, The, 674; note 396; 694

Tawahyd, The, or ‘La alaha ill­allah’ (There is no God but Allah), 697, note 611

Testaments, The Old and New, xii.

Thor, The cave, what happened there, 237-240

Thûr, The mount, 17, note 35

Toba and Shamûl, Story of, 68-70

Tolhah Bin A’bdullah, an early convert, xvi., 150

Tolhah Bin Khovilad, a prince of the Qoraish, goes to S’anâ, 41, 42

Torathah, The [Pentateuch], 63, 64, 448, 478

Traditions about the advent and mission of M., 135-139. Shiah —, note 284, 382

Translations of Oriental works, xxiv.

Transliteration, xxiii.

Tree, covenant or pledge of the, 502, 504, 555; notes 333, 353


U’fira, the maiden, her interpreta­tion of Murtad’s dream, 71-73


Wahab Bin A’bd Munâf, a prince of the Qoraish, 21, 22, 25, 41, 44

Waraqah B. Naufil, the Christian cousin of Khodaijah, xiii. His recognition of M. as a prophet, 8. His presence at M.’s betrothal and marriage, 129, 130. Consulted by Khodaijah on the occasion of the first revelations, 141, 142, 144

War expeditions. See Ghazwah and Seriah

Washaq, the soothsayer, 74, 75

Wâqidi, the historian, ix. Extracts from, and quoted, 288, 289, 293, 297-299, 301, 304, 305, 313, 314, 320, 327, 345, 347, 358, 368, 369, 372, 376, 377, 386, 389, 391-394, 397, 398, 402, 451, 564, 573, 588, 589, 617, 777

Wives of M., 761-777

Wofod [Deputation], 666, note 390. Of the Bani Murrah, 667; of the Bani A’amer, 667, 668; of the Bani Asad, 668; of the Bani Albakâ, 669; of the Bani Najyb, 669, 670; of the Bani Ghâmad, 675, 676; of Jaryr B. A’bdullah, 676-678; of the Bani Hanyfah, 678. From Christians of Najrân, 666-692

Wofûd [Deputations], plural of above, 666; note 390; 667, 670, 675

Wohshy or Wahshy, the slave who kills Hamzah, 395, 396. Accepts Islâm, 609

Wolf, Story of the, 258

Wolyd B. Alwolyd persuades his brother Khâled to profess Islâm, 562, 563. Takes him to M., 564. Wolyd B. Moghairah, a Qoraish prince, 10, 131. His interview with M., 165-167. His death, 258

Women condemned to death after the taking of Mekkah, 604, 613

Works, historical and others, men­tioned and used by Mirkhond in this work: ‘The Aa’lâmu-l-warâ’; ‘The Almaghâzy’; ‘The An-nawabbat’; ‘The Guzidah’; ‘The Kashafu - l - ghummah’; ‘The Kâmulu-s-sapinah’; ‘The Khulâssatu-s-seyr’; ‘The Maghrafatu-s-sahêbah’; ‘The Moqassadu-l-warâ’; ‘The Moa’jum Tturâni’; ‘The Mostaqadza’; ‘The Mu’alamu-l-a’thrat’; ‘The Rabyi’-l-abrâr’; ‘The Raudzatu-l-âhbâb’; ‘The Seir Kaz­rani’; ‘The Tanfyh’

Woryd Bin Ussamad, Story of, 618, 619, 626

Wuhub Bin Muniah, 66, 67

Wustenfeld, notes 5, 12, 14, 15


Yahia [John the Baptist], his abstinence, 93. His interview with M. during the night journey, 209

Yamen or Yemen, Country of, 33, 39

Ya’qub [Jacob], his portrait, 83. The glad tidings of, 93

Yazid I., the second Ommiade Khalifah, 56

Y’det, 773, note 457

Yusuf [Joseph], his beauty, 20; note 40; 93. His interview with M. on the night journey, 209


Zaid, or Zayd, B. Arqum, his story, 430, 432, 433

Zaid, or Zayd, B. Hâreth, xv., xx. The third convert to Islâm, 85, 149, 150. Killed at Mowtah, 567-570

Zamzam or Zemzem, The well, its filling up, 27-29. Its re-excavation, 29, 30, 49. M. goes there, 698

Zaynab, daughter of Jahash, marries M., xx. Her story, 772-774

Zaynab, daughter of Khodhaymah, marries M., xix., 366; and dies, 421. Details about her and her family, 771

Zaynab, daughter of M., 346-348. Dies, 639. Details about her, 777, 780

Zaynab, daughter of the Jew Hâreth, tries to poison M. at Khayber, xxi., 547, 548

Zobeir, sixth son of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, 50, 124

Zobeir Bin Al-Awâm, xvi., 57, 150

Zobeir, or Zobeyr, Bin Mâttyâ, his story, 478, 479

Zoroaster, x.

Zulqarneen, 17, note 36

Zu Yaqar, a prince of the Hemiar, 35

Zu Yazan, a prince of the Hemiar, 39