According to the Raudzatu-l-âhbâb the lord of existences —to whom be the most excellent blessings and the most perfect congratulations—possessed nine manumitted female slaves, whose names were as follows: Solmy, Omm Râfi’, Radzwy, Omm Rayhah, Sâybah, Mâryah, Shyryn, the sister of Mâryah [name not given], and Dhomayrah. Ebn Jauzy, however, also reckons Omm Aymân, otherwise called Barakah, Maymûnah, the daughter of Sa’d, and May­mûnah, the daughter of Abu Asyb, among the liberated female slaves of his lordship; the [true] knowledge, how­ever, is with Allah the Most High!