According to one tradition her name was Ramlah, and according to another Hinda. Her mother was Ssofyah, the paternal aunt of O’thmân—m. A. r. h.—the Commander of the Faithful. She was the daughter of Abu-l-a’ass B. Ommyah B. A’bdu-sh-shams. Omm Habybah had made a profession of the Faith in the beginning of Islâm, and was married to A’bdullah B. Jahash Asdy, with whom she lived several years, and also emigrated with him to Abyssinia. She had a daughter by him, but towards the end of his life A’bdullah became an apostate, professed Christianity, and died in his errors in Abyssinia. During the sixth year after the exile [A.D. 627] the best of men wrote a letter to the Najjâshy* requesting him to inform Omm Habybah that he desired to marry her. The Najjâshy explained the contents of that agreeable letter to Omm Habybah, and told her to appoint a deputy, whereon she named Khâled B. Sa’yd, through whom the Najjâshy married her, by proxy, to the lord of prophecy, in the presence of Ja’fer T’tayyâr* —m. A. r. h.—who was also one of the refugees of Abyssinia; and having granted her the sum of four hundred gold dinârs, or of four thousand silver dirhems, he paid that amount down during the ceremony, and despatched Omm Habybah, with Shorahbil and a number of Abyssinian refugees for her attendants, to his lordship the refuge of prophecy—b., etc.—and in the seventh year of the exile [A.D. 628] she was exalted to the company of his prophetic lordship. Her death took place during the reign of Moa’awiah, in the year 42 or 44 [A.D. 663 or 665], in the city of Madinah, and Merwân held prayers over her body; but according to others she died in Syria.