Some have said that he was a distant cousin of Parviz, that he was a dependant of Purândukht, that his name was Firûz, and Chashindah was only his sobriquet. His head was very large, and when he placed the crown on it, he said, ‘This crown is extremely small.’ From this utter­ance the wise and the noble prognosticated that his reign would be short. Ebn Athir says, ‘His reign lasted less than one month, and the soldiers killed him because they disliked his behaviour.’ In some histories it is related that when he said the above words the great men of the country exclaimed: ‘This man is not worthy to reign.’ As he had first of all uttered the word tang [tight, narrow], they removed the diadem from his head and placed it on another. In the Târikh of Hâfez Abru it is stated that after Chashin­dah, Khosru Bin Qobâd Bin Naushirvân became king, but this assertion is contrary to the tradition of all the historians, because most of them insert the reign of Azarmi­dukht after that of Chashindah.