His Majesty proceeds from Ouch to Bhiker. A. H. 948.—A. D. 1541.

As soon as Bukhshû Lengah had sent the boats, the royal party crossed the river in the vicinity of Ouch; and marching along the banks, at length arrived at Bhiker (Baker of the maps), and alighted in the gardens of Shah Hussyn Sultan, Ruler of Tatta,* who had assumed the title of Majesty, being lineally descended from the Emperor Timur.

After some days the King ordered the Prince Hindal to proceed with his followers to the town of Pãt, which was in the district of Sehwan (Sewastan), and Myrza Yadgar with his followers to go to Behylê, which is forty miles down the river; he also despatched Keber Beg and the Reverend (Pyr Zadê) Myr Zahir as his Ambassadors to Shah Hussyn at Tatta.

The Ambassadors safely arrived at Tatta; but as a long time elapsed before any intelligence was received from them, his Majesty sent them an order either to return, or send him some information of their proceedings: they in consequence sent a letter, requesting his Majesty to have patience, and that they would shortly return. A considerable time however having passed without their coming, the King sent another order, “that if they could not prevail on Shah Hussyn to come and pay his respects, they should instantly return to him at Bhiker.”

On receipt of this order Keber Beg quitted Tatta, but left his companion to negotiate the busi­ness; he however brought with him some trifling presents from Shãh Hussyn, viz. some tents and carpets, also nine horses, a camel, and a mule.

After informing the King of what he had seen at Tatta, Keber Beg advised his Majesty to proceed on his journey without delay, as it was uncertain whether it was now the intention of Shâh Hussyn to wait on him, although at first he had agreed to do so; but had since altered his mind, under the pretence that the distance was too great for him to travel, and would delay his Majesty unnecessarily.

Previous to this intelligence the Prince Hindal had requested his Majesty’s permission to take possession of the district of Sehwân, in the royal name; but the King forbade him, saying, “that as he had sent Ambassadors to Shâh Hussyn, the Ruler of the country, he must wait their return.” But as soon as the Ambassador had made his report, the King communicated the subject of it to the Prince, and informed him that the royal division would soon join, and that they might then act in concert.

Accordingly the King recommenced his march, and in four days reached Behylê, where Yadgâr Myrzâ was encamped: the Myrzâ came out to meet him, and had the honour of paying his respects.

The next day the King halted, and was most hospitably entertained by the Myrzâ Yadgâr. The day following the King marched on, but ordered the Myrzâ to remain where he was, while he went on to join the Prince Hindal, and that he would send orders for his future proceedings.

In three days the King reached Pãt, which is situated twenty miles west of the Indus: the Prince Hindal came out to meet him, carried him to his own habitation, and performed all the rights of hospitality in the most affectionate and liberal manner.