Aurungzebe having called him into his presence, examined him A H. 1096.
A D. 1684.
very strictly respecting the revelations and miracles to which he supposed that he pretended; to which Taigh Behader replied, “that he was a Dervish; that he subsisted on the alms of the charitable, and passed his life in the contemplation and adoration of God; but that he neither pretended to revelations nor miracles.” The Shah again said, “they call you the true King, and Taigh Behader, (which was a military title) what presumption is this?”—to which Taigh Behader replied, “whatever is, is from God; Dervishes have nothing to do with titles or honours.”—The Shah perceiving that he could dis­cover nothing of the revelations or miracles attributed to this Dervish, gave orders for putting him to death immediately.—At that time, a Bramin of the name of Murdaneh, who stood by, said to Taigh Behader, “If you will give me permission, I will imprecate curses on these persecutors, and by the justice of God, you shall see them instantly destroyed.” But Taigh Behader, according to the counsel given to him at parting by his father, to preserve the secret of the sect, though it should cost him his life, replied, “The time is not yet come, God himself will punish them, and raise up a hero, who will exact ample vengeance for my blood.”

He was accordingly put to* death, and upon the spot where he suffered Martyrdom, a monument has been erected, which is still in being, and offerings are made at it.