According to the request of that sacrifice (i.e., Asad Khán), Ateek Alláh Khán has been made permanent in his post. For this he must observe many conditions. Firstly, he must every year increase the revenue of (his) district; secondly, he must not practise oppression upon the ‘Ahadis’* and must not ruin any village; thirdly, he must make free of robbers the boundaries of his own ‘faujdári’ and make them full of safety, so that travellers, way farers, merchants and ‘bipáris’* may travel without any anxiety. If he accepts these conditions and acts according to them, he will be given a written document for the post; otherwise, not. When the second Khalif Umar,* the Lord of the Believers—may God be pleased with him—appointed, in his ‘khiláfat’, one the governor of a province, he made some conditions with him. (1) He must not allow the door keeper to have a watch near the door of the court so that people might represent their needs before him without any difficulty. (2) He must spend his time in rendering services to the people of God. (3) He must not ride (but walk on foot, so that people might represent their needs to him). (4) He must not take anything from the royal treasury for himself or for his family*. He must follow a profession and (thus) earn his livelihood by lawful means. If he cannot earn it on account of old age or sickness, he might, by the advice of the true believers, take (from the royal treasury) occasion­ally one or three ‘dirams’;* more than this must not be allowed. (5) He must show (his) courage by dealing out justice to people; and in deciding cases he must not be partial to relatives and friends. Many other conditions are also written in chronicles and histories. We, who are the followers of the Khalifs, should try our best according to our ability. O God! guide us to the right path; and con­fer peace upon good and virtuous people.