Part I, Chapter IX: On the Punitive system of the Kings.
f140a f94a 483 A short introduction. ‘Uthmán the Caliph’s warning to the wicked and blessings to the peaceful.
484 Shápúr b. Ardashír’s advice to his son to beware of revolution and mob-fury.
485 The Caliph al-Manṣúr rids himself of Abú Muslim, his benefactor, as he was growing dangerous.
f140b 486 al-Ḥajjáj selects ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. ‘Amr at-Tamímí as his vice-gerent on account of his scrupulousness and justice.
f94b 487 Núshírwán’s proclamation against crime and murder — branding of criminals —.
488 A king of Ṭukháristán orders the trial of a favourite courtier for murder, while the opponent excuses him and accepts the blood-price.
489 Atábak-i-Zangí, a king of Persia, sentences a vagabond of Shíráz to death.
f141a 490 A similar instance of Sharaf’s treachery in the time of Sultan Quṭbu’d-Dín Aybak, (related by the author, al-Awfí, himself).
491 Ḥajjáj’s warning to the people of Kúfa.
492 The intrigues of the general, Abu’l-‘Abbás, and his assassination in the reign of Ghiyáthu’d-Dín. (Another contemporary incident).
f141b f95a 493 Sultan Maḥmúd severely punishes his chamberlain.
494 Sultan Maḥmúd’s admonition to his brother Amír Naṣr by ordering the Royal drums to be beaten at his door (retold in pt. IV. ch. ii. Anec. 1802).
495 Ḥammád attacks Fadhl b. Yaḥyá, the Barmecide, for his impertinence before Hárúnu’r-Rashíd.
496 Bábak-i-Khurramí brought before Mu‘taṣim and killed at the advice of Afshín.
f142a f95b 497 Ṣadíf’s ode in praise of as-Saffáḥ and the assassination of Sulaymán b. Hishám and his son at the poet’s instigation.
498 The Caliph al-Hádí kills two women caught committing an unnatural offence.
499 ‘Adhudu’d-Dawla drowns his favourite slave-girl, since his infatuation for her weaned him away too much from state affairs
f142b f96a 500 Amír Ismá‘íl b. Aḥmad Sámání’s shrewd policy and the capture of Isfíjáb. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Amír Ismá‘íl [wa] Naṣr b. Aḥmad Sámání is indefinitely mentioned as the source) (?).
f143a f96a 501 Abú Muslim’s furious gaze strikes terror in the heart of a criminal.
502 Terrorism of princes: Mu‘taṣim and Marwán — illustrated from the fable of a hawk and a hen.
f96b 503 Núshírwán punishes a boon-companion for furthering the interests of a cruel Amír.
504 Núshírwán throws to the dogs the body of a rebellious governor of Armenia.
505 al-Manṣúr counts only four great names among the Umayyads and omits that of ‘Umar II.
f143a 506 The Caliph Hárún and his last order for the destruction of the Barme­cides, — another cause of their downfall connected with their secret protection of Yaḥyá b. ‘Abdu’llah b. al-Ḥusayn al-‘Alawí.
f144a f97a 507 The Caliph ‘Uthmán expounds the art of government.
508 An instance of Ṭamgháj Khán the Great’s stern justice.
509 How Ṭamgháj Khán arrested and slew the band of robbers in Samarqand.
f144b f97b 510 al-Manṣúr punishes Rabí‘, the chamberlain, and the wardrobe-keeper for a slight neglect of duty.
511 as-Saffáḥ dismisses a favourite, and reinstates him after a long time.
512 ‘Umar II’s views on equity and justice.
513 Hishám b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik’s punishment of a cruel governor.
f145a 514 The three unpardonable acts in the eyes of the Caliph al-Ma’mún.
f98a 515 ‘Abdu’llah b. Ḥusayn’s mighty stroke in beheading a prisoner of Rúm handed over to him for execution by Sulaymán b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik, the Caliph.
516 The tyrannical extortions of Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik, and his just doom at the hands of al-Mutawakkil.
517 al-Mu‘tamid orders on his death-bed the execution of ‘Amr b. Layth.
518 Confiscation and physical torture as deterrent of crime in the days of the Kisrás.
519 A general of Hurmuz pays heavy damages to a gardener, lest Núshírwán should come to know of his cruelty.
f145b 520 Sultan Maḥmúd inspires awe in the mind of a general and stops blackmail.
f98b 521 A courtier expires at the summons of Sultan Muḥammad Saljúq.
522 Sultan Maḥmúd punishes severely and hangs one of his elephant-keepers. (Cf. B. T. M. pp. 557—8) see above, pp. 60—64.
      The chapter ends with a short eulogy on the Wazír.