Part I, Chapter III: On the Anecdotes of the Saints
(with comparative references).
f38b f18b-
79 A short introductory note on Miracles. The Caliph ‘Umar’s clairvoyance on the occasion of the Battle of Naháwand.
f39a f19a 80 The letter of the Caliph ‘Umar to the Nile, and the rising of the river.
81 Khálid b. Walíd, sent as the Prophet’s ambassador to the court of Byzantium, drinks poison at the Qayṣar’s command with impunity.
f19b 82 The conversion of Ibráhím b. Adham al-Balkhí (d. 161 A. H. = 777 A. D.) and his miracle: making the pomegranate tree bear sweet fruits twice a year. (Cf. R. Q. p. 9; A. T. A. I, p. 104, ll. 18—25).
f39b 83 How Dhu’n-Nún of Egypt (d. 245 A. H. = 860 A. D.) felt penitent after witnessing that Providence supplied a blind lark with two dishes. (Cf. R. Q. p. 9; A. T. A. I, p. 115, ll. 21—5).
84 Account of Abú ‘Alí Fudhayl b. ‘Iyádh (d. 287 A. H. = 900 A. D.), his early career as a highway robber, his penitence and conversion of a Magian by his miraculous transmutation of earth into gold. (Cf. R. Q. p. 10; A. T. A. I, pp. 75—6).
f20a 85 Anxiety of the parents of Abú Maḥfúẓ Ma‘rúf b. Fírúz al-Karkhí (d. 200 or 201 A. H. = 815 or 816 A. D.) after his conversion at the hands of the Imám ‘Alí b. Músá ar-Ridhá (d. 203 A. H. = 818 A. D.). (Cf. R. Q. p. 10; A. T. A. I, p. 269).
f40a 86 Abu’l-Ḥasan as-Sariyyu’s-Saqaṭí (d. 257 A. H. = 870 A. D.), the uncle and the spiritual director of Junayd of Baghdád (d. 298 A. H. = 910/11 A.D.), is blessed by Ma‘rúf al-Karkhí for having clothed an orphan; and his remorse at the Vision of the Ḥúr. (Cf. R. Q. pp. 11—12; A. T. A. I, p. 275 ll. 5—8, 18—23).
f40a f20a 87 How Abú Naṣr Bishr b. al-Ḥárith al-Ḥáfí (d. 227 A. H. = 841/2 A. D.) was forgiven by God for his act of sanctifying a scrap of paper bearing Bismilláh; and his other sayings. (Cf. R. Q. p. 12; A. T. A. I, p. 107, ll. 1—7).
88 The pious scruples of Abú ‘Abdi’llah al-Ḥárith b. Asad al-Muḥásibí (d. 243 A. H. = 857 A. D.) in rejecting an inheritance of 70,000 Dirhams from his father since he was a “Qadarí”; and how he was miraculously protected from taking any unclean thing; and what he did at the invitation of Junayd. (Cf. R. Q. p. 13; A. T. A. I, pp. 225—6).
f40b f20b 89 How Abú Sulaymán Dá’úd b. Nuṣayr aṭ-Ṭá’í (d. 166 A. H. = 782 A. D.) was first initiated into the path of Ṣúfism by the Imám Abú Ḥanífa (d. 150 A. H. = 767 A. D.) (Cf. R. Q. p. 14; A. T. A. I, pp. 219—20).
90 Early life of Abú ‘Alí Shaqíq b. Ibráhím al-Balkhí (d. 274 A. H. = 887 A. D.) as a trader and the remark of an idolator that awakened him. Another account of his repentance: the story of the slave who remained during a severe famine care-free and cheerful, because his master had ample provisions. (Cf. R. Q. p. 15; A. T. A. I, pp. 196—7).
91 Shaqíq bails out his neighbour, and releases him from the charge against him by restoring one of the lost dogs of ‘Alí b. ‘Ísá b. Máhán, the governor of Balkh. (Cf. R. Q. p. 15; A. T. A. I, p. 197).
f41a f21a 92 The Ascension of Abú Yazíd Ṭayfúr b. ‘Ísá Bisṭámí (d. 261 or 234 A. H. = 874 or 848 A. D.) or the Beatific Vision in which he passed the stages of his purification. (Cf. R. Q. p. 16; A. T. A. I, pp. 172—6). (The Maqámát-i-Shaykh Bá Yazíd-i-Bisṭámí is indirectly referred to in this Anec.).
f41b 93 Muḥammad b. Sawwár, the uncle of Abú Muḥammad Sahl b. ‘Abdu’llah at-Tustarí (d. 273 or 283 A. H. = 886 or 896 A. D.), teaches him how to remember God, the Creator. Early ascetic practices and the penance of Sahl. (Cf. R. Q. p. 17; A. T. A. I, pp. 253—4).
f21b 94 A miraculous provision of food for a Christian at the prayer of Abú Sulaymán ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. ‘Aṭiyyatu’d-Dárání (d. 215 A. H. = 830 A. D.). (Cf. J. N. U. p. 43).
f42a 95 How ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán Ḥátim b. Yúsuf al-Aṣamm (d. 237 A. H. = 851 A. D.) obtained the nickname of “al-Aṣamm” or the Deaf. (Cf. R. Q. p. 18; A. T. A. I, p. 245).
f22a 96 Sa‘íd b. Muḥammad ar-Rází’s (d. 258 A. H. = 871/2 A. D.) account of the anger of Ḥátim al-Aṣamm and the paralysing of the hand of a dishonest creditor. (Cf. A. T. A. I, p. 245).
97 The rising-up of the bucket automatically from the bottom of a well at the prayer of one of the disciples of Abú Ḥámid Aḥmad b. Khidhrawayh of Balkh (d. 240 A. H. = 854 A. D.). How his debts were paid up at his death-bed by an unknown person. (Cf. R. Q. p. 19). (The Ta’ríkh-i-Mashá’ikh-i-Khurásán as the source, see above, p. 54).
    98 The historic visit of the Shaykh Abú Ḥafṣ ‘Umar b. Maslama al-Ḥaddád (d. circa 264 A. H. = 877 A. D.) to the convent of the Shaykh Abú ‘Uthmán al-Ḥírí (d. 298 A. H. = 910 A. D.), the lighting of nineteen lamps for the sake of God resulting in the conversion of a family of the Jews. (Cf. R. Q. p. 19, 22; A. T. A. I, p. 322).
f42b f22b 99 Ya‘qúb b. Layth the Ṣaffárid cured of an irremediable disease by the prayer of Sahl-i-Tustarí. (Cf. R. Q. p. 141, l. 20; A. T. A. I, p. 255).
100 Ibn ‘Ámir Abdu’l-Qays is watched over by a lion during his prayer whereby a Christian monk is converted.
f43a 101 ‘Amr b. Málik delivered of his debt by a purse miraculously supplied by the Shaykh Abu’l-Ḥusayn Aḥmad b. Muḥammad Núrí (d. 295 A. H. = 907 A. D.). (Cf. R. Q. p. 23; A. T. A. II, p. 46).
102 How Rabí‘ b. Khuthyam consigns his daughter to the protection of God on the peak of Abú Qubays, where she is found and brought up by the Caliph (?).
f23a 103 Description of the ecstatic state of Abú Bakr-i-Shiblí (d. 334 A. H. = 946 A. D.) in his early days, and the reply of a potter that awakened him to the magic power that lies in the repetition of the names of God. (Cf. A. T. A. II, p. 162, l. 18; also J. N. U. p. 201).
f43b 104 Shaykh Abu’l-Ḥasan Kharaqání’s (d. 425 A. H. = 1033 A. D.) explanation to his visitors of his attitude towards the conduct of his wife and the consequent submission of the wild beasts to his will. (The anecdote is related in A. T. A. II, p. 208 in connection with the visit of Ibn Síná, (d. 1037 A. D.) the philosopher, to the saint). Cf. J. N. U. p. 336.
105 Abú Sulaymán Dárání prays for the soul of his shrewish wife in spite of her wicked treatment of him, which results in converting her into a pious woman.
106 Dhu’n-Nún-i-Miṣrí’s astonishment at the miraculous scorpion that crossed the Nile and saved a drunkard from a snake, and the inferences drawn from this extraordinary occurrence. (The Kitáb-i-Siyaru’ṣ-Ṣáliḥín (?) as the source, see above, p. 24, l. 35).
f44a f23b 107 How Muḥammad b. ‘Alí was drifted to a strange land in chasing the saint, Sahl-i-Tustarí, and miraculously transported back to his native town, Tustar. (The Rawdhatu’l-‘Ulamá’ (?) as the source, see above p. 24, l. 35).
108 The dream of Rabí‘ b. Khuthyam and his visit to the mysterious woman Maymúna-i-Zangí, and their marriage in Paradise. (The Rawdhatu’l-‘Ulamá’ as the source).
f44b f24a 109 Rabí‘ b. Khuthyam, when accused by a boating party of stealing a pearl, acquits himself miraculously by producing pearls from the sea.
      Descriptive titles of the Anecdotes of the Shaykh Abú Sa‘íd b. Abi’l-Khayr of Mayhana.
f44b f24a 110 The story of a traveller who was left in the desert of Marw, and the mysterious appearance of a rider, at whose bidding a tiger carries him back safely to his caravan, and whom the traveller recognises later on in Níshápúr as the great Shaykh Abú Sa‘íd. (The Maqámát-i-Shaykh Abí Sa‘íd indirectly mentioned. See above, p. 24, l. 34, pp. 39—40). Cf. M. A. T. pp. 76—84.
f45a f24b 111 How the Shaykh reads the thoughts of the Khwája Abu’l-Qásim Háshimí and awakens in him the love of the real. (Cf. M. A. T. p. 70).
f45b 112 An instance of the Shaykh’s voluntary levies: how the Shaykh ordered Ḥasan Mu’addab, the famulus, to buy a certain sheep in the shop of a butcher in Níshápúr, and throw it to dogs, while the inmates of his convent were in want of meat for some time, and how it led to the butcher’s confession of his guilt, and to his supplying plenty of meat for the convent. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 141—2).
f25a 113 Another instance of similar kind: the Shaykh’s levy on the Naqíb, the chief constable of Níshápúr, and his acceptance of the purse which the Naqíb had extorted and now tauntingly offered to him, which in the end proved to be a bequest made to the Shaykh himself, but had been stolen.
114 How the ‘Amíd of Khurásán, called in the beginning Ḥájib Muḥammad, rose to power through the blessings of the Shaykh. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 113—4).
f46a 115 The origin of the convent of the Ṣúfís at Iṣfahán, and the prophecy of the Shaykh about the rise and fall of the great Wazír, the Niẓámu’l-Mulk Ṭúsí. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 233—6).
f25b 116 How the great Wazír, the Niẓámu’l-Mulk, offered his money-belt at the invitation of the Shaykh, and was in the end rewarded by the services of 1,000 men in livery. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 115—6).
f46b 117 The Shaykh’s triumph over his rival, Abú Muḥammad Juwayní, and the conversion of a Jew thereby. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 169—70).
118 The conversion of Ḥasan Mu’addab, and the offer of his Ṭabarí turban after the Shaykh had exposed him mercilessly. (Cf. M. A. T. pp. 75—6).