Part IV, Chapter VIII = LXXXIII: On Persons who escaped from the clutches of Brigands.
f25b f307b 1860 Introduction. Di‘bil of Khuzá‘a, the poet, is rewarded by al-Ma’mún on reciting the famous ode which he had composed in honour of ‘Alí b. Músá ar-Ridhá, and is released by the robbers who had waylaid him on the same ground. (Cf. T. F. S. II, xi, pp. 104—6).
f26a f308a 1861 The story of a veteran traveller who had a very narrow escape from the clutches of the murderous owner of an inn in the forest of Ka‘b.
f26b 1862 How Ṣáfí or Darí, the servant of Abu’l-Ḥasan ‘Alí b. Muḥammad b. Muqla, the Wazír of the Caliph al-Muttaqí, cheated the leader of the bandits, by foisting on him a ring with a false gem as the signet of the Caliphs. (Cf. T. F. S. II, xi, pp. 109—110).
f27a f308b 1863 Ṣárikh’s encounter with a murderous villain. (Cf. T. F. S., II, xi, pp. 111—2).
f27a f308b 1864 The servant of Ibnu’d-Danánírí at-Tammár al-Wásiṭí relates the story of the theft of his purse while he was crossing the Tigris for Ubulla, and the strange experience of Abú Bakr al-Bughásh, the organiser of the secret band of thieves, through whose favour he recovered his lost purse. (Cf. T. F. S. II, xi, pp. 112—3).
f28a f309a 1865 How Abú ‘Alí Zaydí or Kurdí used to plunder the pilgrims, and his encounter with a bold youth from Shásh, who routed his gang single-handed. After witnessing this feat Abú ‘Alí deserted his band and renounced his calling. (Cf. T. F. S. II, xi, pp. 117—8).
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.