Part III, Chapter XI = LXI: On the Contemptibility of Ignorance.
f232b f256b 1650 A short introduction which is illustrated by the two favourite couplets of Khwája ‘Abdu’l-Ḥamíd. The stupidity of Abú Sahl in calling every one who bore the name of Aḥmad a fool, while defending his son in the presence of the Wazír Khwája Aḥmad b. Ḥasan Maymandí.
f257a 1651 Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide’s remark on the difference of the expres­sions of the Arabs and Persians concerning a person who lacked common sense. (Saná’í cited.)
f233a 1652 Aḥmad b. Ibráhím, an adherent of Ráfí‘ b. Harthama, adopts a foolish method of taking revenge upon Abú Sa‘íd Durghání (? Farghání), the governor of Khwárazm, who had killed his master, by poisoning the tanks which supplied Khwárazm with water. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Khurásán as the source, see above, p. 45).
1653 The reply of a wise man about an idiot.
1654 Ráfi‘ b. Harthama, on account of his foolish notion of patronage, refuses to change his old barber, in spite of the wounds which the barber inflicted on his head; whence he derived the nickname of “the possessor of the scars”. (See above p. 46).
f233b f257b 1655 Abú Shujá‘ Aḥmad b. ‘Abdu’llah al-Khujistání befools his master Ibráhím Sarkab (?), incites Ya‘qúb b. Layth against him, compasses his death and elevates himself. (The Akhbár-i-Ál-i-Layth, probably as-Sallámí’s Ta’ríkh, is meant, see above p. 46).
f234a 1656 ‘Umar II dismisses Qutayba b. Muslim from the governorship of Khurásán on the ground of ignorance of a simple verse from the Qur’án, about the period of creation.
1657 The Caliph al-Ma’mún asserts that all men who grow long beards lack common sense, and proves his statement to be correct on the fortuitous appearance of Abú Ḥamdawayh ‘Alawiyya. (An indefinite allusion to one of the works of al-Jáḥiẓ).
f234a f258a 1658 The foolish son of a wealthy trader of Bukhárá, in rivalry with the Amír Naṣr b. Aḥmad the Sámánid, lays out a polo field, and ruins himself in dissipation, and once in drunkenness goes so far as to order his slave to bring the head of the Amír to him.
f235a 1659 How Ibnu’l-‘Atíq, a foolish courtier of ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán, used to reckon the advent of the winter season. (On the authority of ash-Sha‘bí).
1660 How Yazíd b. Marwán, the simpleton, acquired the nickname of Dhu’l-Wada‘át. (Majma‘u’l-Amthál as the source).
1661 Mu‘áwiya describes the six traits of a fool.
f235b f258b 1662 A stupid dervish remained silent for ten years in the company of the Shaykh Muḥammad of Níshápúr, but, when he opened his mouth, revealed his folly in one impertinent question.
1663 Two stupid litigants from amongst the Háshimites before the chief judge.
1664 Shahíd al-Balkhí, the poet and philosopher, interrupted by an ignorant person while studying a book, retorts mercilessly. (See for his life, Chahár Maqála, Text, pp. 127—8).
1665 The Imám Abú Ḥanífa’s retort to an impudent fool, who appeared naked before him in the bathroom.
1666 Aristotle’s sarcastic remark in answer to the taunt of his pupils about learning to play upon a stringed musical instrument at the age of seventy.
      The chapter ends as usual with a Panegyric.