The Era of Yazdajird.

He was the son of Shahryár Aparwez* b. Hurmuz b. Noshirwán. It began with the accession of Jamshíd. After him every succeeding mon­arch renewed its designation by his own accession and Yazdajird also re-instituted it from his assumption of sovereignty.* The years are like the Syro-Macedonian; but the fraction in excess was reserved till at the end of 120 years, it amounted to a whole month, and that year was reckoned at 13 months. The first intercalation was after Farwardín, and it was called by the name of that month. Then Urdibihisht was twice counted and so on. When the era was renewed under the name of Yazdajird, and his authority terminated in disaster, the continuity of intercalation was neglected. The years and months are Artificial, solar. 963 years have since elapsed.*