THIS is the supplement of the Akbar-náma, containing the four remaining years of Akbar's reign. It was composed by Shaikh Ináyatu-lla, and is sometimes met with bound up with the Akbar-náma.

[The above is all that has been found among Sir H. M. Elliot's papers concerning this “Completion of the Akbar-náma.” There is no copy of the work in his library, and not a page of trans­lation. The work seems to be almost unknown in England, for it is not to be found in the Libraries of the British Museum, the East India Office, or the Royal Asiatic Society. A translation of the whole work is given at the end of the MS. translation of the Akbar-náma belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society, already noticed at p. 8 suprà. It is the work of “Lieut.” Chalmers, of the Madras Army, and was used by Elphinstone. The following Extracts are taken from this translation, and may be accepted as accurate.

Nothing more has been learnt of the work or its author than what he tells us in the following pages. It will be seen from the conclusion that he calls himself “Ináyatu-lla, or Muham­mad Sálih.”]