Niẓāmī, Ḥasan, Ṣadr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan fl. ca. 614/1217


Ṣadr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan Niẓāmī left his birthplace of Nishapur and traveled to Ğaznī and then to Delhi, where he was appointed as court historian to the Ğurid Sultans. In 602/1205, Niẓāmī began the work which would bring him fame, Tāj al-maʾāir or Tāj al-maʾāir fi al-taʾrīḫ.


Tāj al-maʾāir extends to 614/1217     The Crown of Exploits [Elliot&Dowson, v. I(?), chapter V: PHI site]

Tāj al-maʾāir is a history of the Sultans of Dehli from 587/1191 to 614/1217. The work is written in a “high-flown and difficult language and has a large number of poetical passages inserted in it. It is only with difficulty that the historical facts can extricated from the medley of rhetoric, but nevertheless the book is of undeniable value for the history of India and Afghanistan”.