Muḥammad ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ḥusaynī Nīšābūrī Najafī Burhānpūrī fl. ca. 1148/1735-6


Muḥammad ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ḥusaynī Nīšābūrī Najafī Burhānpūrī was a historian under the patronage of the governor of Oudh during the reign of Muḥammad Šāh. Three of his works have survived: Burhān al-futūḥ, a general history extending to 1148/1735-6; Mir’at al-safa’, a general history from the rise of Tīmūr (see author 211) to 1169/1756; and, Tārīḫ-i rāḥat-afzā, a work on the history of the Deccan. Muḥammad ʿAlī’s exact date of death is not known.


Burhān al-futūḥ     The Demonstration of Victories [Elliot&Dowson, v. VIII, chapter LXXXIX: PHI site]

Composed 1148/1735-6.

Burhān al-futūḥ is a short general history from the earliest times to 1148/1735-6. Its close attention to dates makes it a “very useful book of reference”.

Tārīḫ-i rāḥat-afzā     The Pleasure-Giving History

Compiled 1173/1759-60.

Marshall says that Tārīḫ-i rāḥat-afzā is a history of the Deccan in two parts. Storey, on the other hand, says Tārīḫ-i rāḥat-afzā is “a history of the Timurids from 736/1335-6 to 1173/1759-60. However, Hadi and Marshall state that Muḥammad ʿAlī’s work dealing with the Timurids is Mir’at al-safa’.