Mīr Ḫwānd, Muḥammad ibn Ḫwāndšāh ibn Maḥmūd d. 903/1498


Mīr Ḫwānd was born in 837/1433 and spent most of his life in Herat, which during his life served as a great center of literary and cultural activity. His career as a historian began to flourish when he received the patronage of Mīr Alī Shir Nawāʾī, poet and trusted confidant of Ḥusayn Bayhara, ruler of Herat from 873/1469 to 911/1506. Along with the great Persian poet Jāmī (see author 113), Mīr Ḫwānd soon became one of the most famous personalities of Ḥusayn Bayhara’s court. Mīr Ḫwānd is mostly known for his work Rawżat al-ṣafā fī sīrat al-anbiyāʾ va-’l-mulūk va-’l-ḫulafāʾ.


Rawżat al-ṣafā fī sīrat al-anbiyāʾ va-’l-mulūk va-’l-ḫulafāʾ     Garden of Purity: Containing the Histories of Prophets, Kings and Khalifs [Rehatsek: PHI site]

Extends to 929/1522-3, completed by grandson Ḫwāndamīr.

Rawżat al-ṣafā fī sīrat al-anbiyāʾ va-’l-mulūk va-’l-ḫulafāʾ is a general history arranged in seven volumes, from the time of creation to 929/1522-3. As Mīr Ḫwānd died in 903/1498, the latter portions of the work were completed by his grandson Ḫwāndamīr (see author 95). Additionally, Rawżat al-ṣafā fī sīrat al-anbiyāʾ va-’l-mulūk va-’l-ḫulafāʾ “was widely used by European historians from the 17th century, and until the late 19th century remained a major source for the history of medieval Iran”. Mīr Ḫwānd died in 903/1498.